For thousands of years, people all over the world have written legends about Agartha (sometimes called Agarta or Agarthi), the underground city. From this still searing source emanate our volcanos and much of the unnatural shenanigans from Mother Nature. On your way, your plane gets stuck into a storm and crashes somewhere in North Pole. Copyright 2011-2021 Stranger Dimensions. The Russian team that led the operation didnt find Agartha, though it would likely be much further down. While some individuals swear they have been in the company of a massive, superior race living below the Earth, scant evidence has surfaced, if we ignore the lurid accounts of first-hand witnesses in publications such as Flying Saucers. Agharta is a bizarre action-adventure game packed with some unique and breathtaking graphics developed with some amazing 3D engine that simulates very real looking fogs, light effects and glows. The King of this world is believed to have given orders to the Dalai Lama of Tibet, who is his terrestrial representative. The capital city of Agartha is known as Shamballa, but sometimes known as Shambalah or Shangri-La. The road that leads to this Blessed Land, this Invisible World, this Esoteric and Occult Domain, constitutes the central quest and master key of all mystery teachers and systems of initiation in the past, present and future. Though he died before his journey ever came to fruition, his ambition inspired Arctic exploration and the first trip to Antarctica in 1838. How to play. Adventure | fantasy | Isometric view | interwar period, developer: Aniware He believes that half the planet is taken up by surface weight, and then theres empty space, and then, something else. Agharta: The Hollow Earth. Age restrictions Agharta: The Hollow Earth: Good for all ages. However, a Tibetan chief, after a battle with the Olets, came to a cavern whose opening bore the following inscription: From the cavern loft a man of beautiful appearance, who presented to him an ancient tablet bearing strange inscriptions, saying: The King of the World will appear to all men when comes the time of the war of the good against the evil; but this time has not yet come. Hollow Earth Hypothesis - Subterranean Civilizations - Agartha Invisible he rules over eight hundred million human beings, all willing to execute his orders., All the subterranean passages in the entire world lead to the World ofAgartha. Theosophists in particular regard Agarthi as a vast complex of caves underneath Tibet inhabited by demi-gods, called asuras. With only your loyal dog Murphy by your side, you must now continue the search on foot, unaware of the spectacular dangers and beauty that await. Dedicated to weird science, unexplained phenomena, and unusual matters of space and time since 2011. Has The Lost Ark of the Covenant Been Found in Israel? Some have connected the Hindu land of ryvarta, or abode of the excellent ones, a land ruled by a supernal race thousands of years before the great war laid out in the Mahabharata. Is the Earth Actually Hollow? - Atlas Obscura Bering Archipelago May Debunk Land Bridge Migration Theory, Possible Million-Year-Old Tools Unearthed in Sudan Could Change Human History, Ancient Cave Painters Starved Themselves of Oxygen to Hallucinate, Giant Human Skeletons Found Buried in Mounds Across North America. Hollow Earth | White Wolf Wiki | Fandom While a lot of the information we receive from NASA and environmental agencies may be accurate, there is still much to be discovered about our planet. Will we ever find out if there exists an underground civilization below the surface of the Earth? On a mountain near Joinville the choral singing of Atlantean men and women has been repeatedly heard also the, The Russian explorer, Ferdinand Ossendowski, author of, a holy man disappeared into the earth accompanied by a tribe of people and never returned to its surface. Whereas, in the days of Atlantis, flying saucers flew in the earths outer atmosphere, after they entered the Subterranean World they continued to fly in its internal atmosphere in its hollow interior. The French novelist Jules Verne, known for his series. Agartha (sometimes Agartta, Agharti, Agarath, [1] Agarta, Agharta, or Agarttha) is a legendary kingdom that is said to be located on the inner surface of the Earth. Agartha, the Hidden Civilization of Inner Earth | Truth or Lore [3], The legend of Agartha remained mostly obscure in Europe until Grard Encausse edited and re-published a detailed 1886 account by the nineteenth-century French occultist Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre (1842-1909), Mission de l'Inde en Europe,[4] Agharta: The Hollow Earth is a 2000 video game. The Buddhists believe there are millions of people living in this underworld paradise. 3xl Agharta-creux terre neuschwabenland Hollow Earth hohlwelt Vril T Many believe this ancient race to be of the same lineage as the ancient civilizations from Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu that were wiped out by war and cataclysmic events, driving them underground to Agartha. Thus begins your long action packed adventure along with you faithful pet dog as your sidekick to aid you in solving different puzzles and difficulties as and when required. Here he has to stop a villain who wants to destroy the world. Symmes continued to campaign, giving lectures and publishing letters about the Hollow Earth, always angling for an expedition to the North Pole that would prove his theory. More than a century later, Halleys theory was expounded on by John Cleves Symmes, who published a paper detailing his intent to travel to the Earths interior. Ossendowski writes: Stop! said my Mongol guide, when we crossed the plateau of Tzagan Luk, Stop!. Many of these are places of purgatory where dead spirits reside, rather than a society currently flourishing. Gravity and other physical laws work differently within Hollow Earth, and it is still under active exploration by both the Sons of Ether and the Void Engineers. Myst-style puzzles are similar to Myst: figure out how strange machines work, mostly by trial-and-error and observation. This magic key is the, The old Rosicrucians designated it by the French word, VISTA INTERIORA TERRAE RECTIFICANDO INVENES OMNIA LAPIDEM, n the interior of the earth is hidden the true mystery. The path that leads to this Hidden World is the Way of Initiation., Farewell, my friend and companion Belvedere, and to the land where it never rains, where there is no sickness and where nobody dies., We have indicated previously that the subterranean cities ofAgarthawere constructed by Atlanteans as refuges from the radioactive fallout produced by the nuclear war they fought, and also referred to Hugenins theory that flying saucers were Atlantean aircraft which were brought to the Subterranean World prior to the occurrence of the catastrophe that sank Atlantis. The ensuing quest for discovery is a somewhat atypical blend of Myst and Alone in the Dark-ish combat with fixed third-person camera angles, where you explore new areas, fight the local wildlife (everything form . . The writings say that their ancestors came from the paradise land in the Earths interior. run Agharta: The Hollow Earth (Windows), read the Its members can invoke the spirits of the dead which live in space.. Proposed in 1692 as a way of explaining anomalous compass readings, Halleys theory was that the planet is a series of nested, spherical shells, spinning in different directions, all surrounding a central core. A beta for the German dub of the game was released in April 2001.[1]. The player must explore the environment to acquire items, and use them to complete puzzles and advance the story. He told me that turtles live for three thousand years without air or food and for this reason all the columns of the blue temple of heaven rest on the backs of the living turtles, so that wooden supports would not rot.. Before Verne, the hollow Earth concept was originally proposed in the 17th century by Edmond Halley, discoverer of the eponymous short-orbit comet that swings past Earth every 75 years or so. In fact, the most common diagram of Agartha was drawn by a German scientist in 1935. This just goes to show. Symmes devoted the rest of his life garnering support for a hollow earth expedition, but fell sick during a trip to. It is there that scientists first discovered Aquada Fnix, the largest and oldest-known Mayan construction. If it is to be believed this story covers Byrds inaugural flight over the North Pole, then one need only look at the actual date when he achieved this feat more than 20 years earlier on May 9, 1926. Verne believed that prior to the destruction of Atlantis, some of the Atlanteans escaped and established subterranean cities in the earths hollow center. In a bizarre 1942 experiment conducted by Nazi scientist. It was during my trip to Central Asia that I heard for the first time this Mystery of Mysteries, to which I formally paid no attention, but only did later, when I was able to analyze it and compare certain testimonies frequently subjected to controversy. The old men on the border of Amyil told me an old legend, according to which a Mongolian tribe, seeking to escape from Genghis Khan, hid in a subterranean land. We have indicated previously that the subterranean cities ofAgarthawere constructed by Atlanteans as refuges from the radioactive fallout produced by the nuclear war they fought, and also referred to Hugenins theory that flying saucers were Atlantean aircraft which were brought to the Subterranean World prior to the occurrence of the catastrophe that sank Atlantis. Unfortunately, the intriguing premise and great graphics cannot save the game from its banal and repetitive gameplay. DOS, Genesis, C64, Master System, Game Gear, Amiga, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, DOS, C64, Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Apple II, Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade: The Action Game, Yu-Gi-Oh! It was the city of Seven Petals of Vishnu, and the City of Seven Kings of Edom or Eden of Judiac tradition. The Hollow Earth - The location where the Koreshan community made their home is now protected as the Koreshan State Historic Site, while Ohios Hollow Earth Monument is dedicated to Symmes work. Perhaps there are mysteries still that mans science has yet to discover. He contended that the Elder Race, or Titans, came to this planet from another solar system in our prehistoric past. Layer by Layer: A Mexico City Culinary Adventure, Sacred Granaries, Kasbahs and Feasts in Morocco, Monster of the Month: The Hopkinsville Goblins, Paper Botanicals With Kate Croghan Alarcn, Writing the Food Memoir: A Workshop With Gina Rae La Cerva, Reading the Urban Landscape With Annie Novak, How to Grow a Dye Garden With Aaron Sanders Head, Making Scents: Experimental Perfumery With Saskia Wilson-Brown, The Frozen Banana Stands of Balboa Island, The Paratethys Sea Was the Largest Lake in Earths History, How Communities Are Uncovering Untold Black Histories, The Medieval Thieves Who Used Cats, Apes, and Turtles as Accomplices, Stunning Photos of a Siberian Gold Mine Only Accessible by AirOr Ice Road, The Novel That Imagined a Nazi Future, Before WWII Even Began, Exploring the Secrets of Soothing Spaceship Sound, The Problem With Invisibility Is The Blindness, Object of Intrigue: The Most Sought After Star Wars Action Figure. Gameplay follows that of a traditional point-and-click adventure title. Offer subject to change without notice. The Sahara, the Gobi, the Australian Outback and the deserts of the U.S. are but a few examples of the devastation that resulted. The French novelist Jules Verne, known for his series Voyages Extraordinaires, wrote Journey to The Center of the Earth around the time that the belief in a subterranean society piqued. His palace is surrounded by the palaces of the Gurus, who control the invisible and visible forces of the earth, from its interior to the sky, and are lords of life and death. It has been called: Hindus have known it as Aryavartha (literally : The Land or Realm of The Aryans ; the Land of the Noble/Worthy Ones) the land from which the Vedas come. Metallic Sasquatch Leads to Flat Tire In Montana, [Trailer] Explore the Lost Continent of Mu In Expedition Agartha. in 1910. Throughout Asia it is best known by its Sanskrit name, Shambhala, meaning The place of peace, of tranquillity.. His initial vision of the Earths interior was like a simplified version of Halleys multi-layered model, with the exception that Symmes version included huge holes at the north and south poles which allowed access to the hidden world inside. In Tibetan Buddhism, there is the secret, mystical city of Shambhala located somewhere deep in the Himalayas that many have searched for. They made the journey in flying saucers, which were Atlantean aircraft. The Strange "Hollow Earth" Case of Admiral Richard Byrd Even as unbelievable as the beliefs of Symmes and Teed were, as the Hollow Earth theory grew into the 20th century, it began to take on an even more supernatural air. When Did the Americas Actually Become Inhabited? The book refers to Navy Admiral Richard Byrd who flew into the Hollow Earth and witnessed a wonderful land of greenery, animals, lakes , a central sun and a continually temperate climate. The famous Russian channel, Nicholas Roerich, who was a channel for the Ascended Master, El Morya, claimed that Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, was connected by a tunnel with the inner Earth, Shamballa. In Tibet, there is a major mystical shrine also called Patala, which is said by the people there to sit atop an ancient cavern and tunnel system, which reaches throughout the Asian continent and possibly beyond. In fact, upon further inspection, it appears Byrd probably didnt quite reach the North Pole and instead fabricated his navigation records, poaching credit from another team that actually set the record a few days later. Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. that millions of people live in Agharta, an underground paradise ruled by the king of the world. The Hollow Earth Theory | hollowearth In this connection it is interesting to refer to Jules Verns book, The Author has devoted nearly six years to investigations to study the mysterious tunnels which honeycomb Santa Catarina, obviously built by an ancient race to reach subterranean cities. Could Discovery of 9.7 Million Year Old Teeth Rewrite History? One bizarre offshoot of the traditional Hollow Earth theory, put forth by natural healer and eventual cult leader, Cyrus Teed, even inverted the idea, devising a cellular cosmology that placed the entire universe inside a shell. This inner world was also visited by various other men, as Cakya-Muni, Undur-Chengen Paspa, Baber and others. Laser mapping reveals nearly 500 ancient ceremonial sites hiding just under the landscape of modern-day Mexico and leads scientists to revise their understandings of the origins of the Maya Civilization. Dr. Raymond Bernard was a pseudonym, and his bizarre book was a 60s classic of weird UFO literature. He wished to send him a second time but the young ambassador never returned.. He was convinced that the cities mentioned in Homers works, passed from generation to generation around the fires 2,800 years ago, were real. He supported the idea of a hollow Earth, but without interior shells or inner sun. ancient enlightened society resided down there. You play the role of a courageous pilot working in Tibet and whose . He too believed that the interior of the Earth not only could, but did support life, saying in Circular No. Agharta: The Hollow Earth (German version!) for PC - YouTube See our, Until more recent times, many people were convinced our planet was a hollow shell with a civilization of Earthly ancients residing underground., Articles with unsourced statements from December 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 February 2023, at 01:57. In Mongolia, with its terrible mountains and limitless plateaus was born a mystery which was preserved by the red and yellow lamas. Scientists Continue Doing Weird Things With Video Games, Engineered Arts Unveils Ameca, the Most Advanced Humanoid Robot. Raymond Bernard once proposed that many of the unidentified objects we see in the sky are actually crafts from the civilizations living within the Hollow Earth, remnants of Atlantis and Lemuria checking in on our activity on the surface. Agartha was said to be a haven for the population of vanished continents. He masters all the forces of nature, can read whats within the souls of all, and in the great book of destiny. Ive already written a little about Shambhala in my article The Cintamani Stone, but theres a lot of ground to cover when you enter the world of the Hollow Earth. Other speculation regarding Byrds supposed search for Agartha notes a Nazi presence in arctic territory, both North and South. Occasionally they are said to abduct, torture and kill humans, though other accounts refer to them as having a positive impact on Earthly events. Patala is the seventh layer of the underworld in Hindu scriptures and is ruled by the nagas, a half-human, half-reptilian species who are depicted with jeweled hoods that light their realm. From time immemorial, people have believed that there is another world lying just beneath the surface of our planet. Agartha, the Hidden Civilization of Inner Earth | Truth or Lore Mr. Mythos 393K subscribers Join Subscribe 85K Save 3.3M views 2 years ago There's an ancient mystery of connected tunnels across. The Hollow Earth is a concept proposing that the planet Earth is entirely hollow or contains a substantial interior space. They probably learned about it from the aborigines who called it by name of Manoa or City Whose King Wears Clothing of Gold. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us! Fortunately, you can use your dog to find items for you - he can understand simple commands like "come," "sit," and "find" in the game, and he will be saving your life numerous times from attackers. It reminds one of Lhasa, where the temple of the Dalai Lama rises on top of a mountain surrounded by temples and monasteries. Hollow Earth Theory: Does Agartha The Inner Earth Civilization Really Exist? The Pueblo Indians mythology also places their gods place of origin in the inner earth. Will Astronauts Lose Their Spleens Before Going to Mars? It is also believed that this subterranean world has millions of inhabitants and many cities. I'm sure he'd find this very interesting. You will spend most of your time trying to defend yourself against hostile animals that range from penguins, mysterious arctic apes, to more exotic opponents. If there is a topic youd like to learn more about, please let us know. The Hollow Earth - Dr. R. W. Bernard - Google Books Download Agharta: The Hollow Earth (Windows) - My Abandonware Like our members, Gaia staff are driven by curiosity, passion and the desire to grow, as we continue on our own spiritual journeys and quests. Agharta: The Hollow Earth (German version!) abandonware guide What Happened?, I wondered, bringing my camel to a halt. The Hollow Earth Raymond Bernard ACCEPTABLE ADMIRAL BIRD ANTARTICA UFOS Perhaps the authorities have suppressed this as well.