This is due to the intense energy flow between you and your twin. Career dissatisfaction - This goes along with a desire to break free. Reframe Your Mind to Relieve Your Body Pain Of course not! 4. All is sound. These physical glands are connected with the third eye and crown chakra. For the outer energy layers of our body bring information down into the physical body to shift and change it to match our outer layers of creation and perception. What can happen is that if you have ignored symptoms of change for so long (as theyve filtered down through your outer body layers) that by the time the 5D changes gets down to the physical body, you literally may have a physical problem that needs to be corrected. Blow your nose gently. A Sign from Spirit Guides/ Angels Intense clearing at the heart, throat and brow chakras: Flu-type symptoms with bronchitis and sinus, with focus on chest and sinuses, Represents: Imagination and Intuition; Inspiration, Insight; Intellect; Clarity; Third Eye/Inner Eye and Psychic Centre; Wisdom; Connection to Higher Self; I have a powerful meditation that can assist you. This means that water is flowing in your physical body, cleansing and clearing old, stuck energy in the process. During galactic disturbances, many people notice physical symptoms occurring, which may be in the form of body aches and pains, headaches, throat issues, flu-like symptoms, ears ringing, dizziness, and generally feeling as though the body, mind, and spirit are out of sync. The onset of these headaches is instant and occurs without any particular cause. The pressure in the head is also a common symptom of spiritual awakening. neck pain. Concentrating on breathing also helps to divert your mind away from the pain. The vagus nerve which runs down the side of the neck is also linked into the heart and when stimulated (as your neck becomes tight, perhaps from resistance to your incoming life changes) this can also serve to awaken the heart energy field and cause an expansion (fluttering) of consciousness. Old symptoms, new symptoms, but Ascension related nonetheless. Symptoms. Though, not in a bad way. While you inhabit a human body on Earth, you are in a constant dance and rhythm with multi-dimensional cosmic energetics, which include planetary movements and influences in our local solar system and even beyond. This is because you and your twin flame are conducting an extremely powerful energy flow. Extreme sweating with every Kundalini hot flash Your third eye may be developing, as your inner sight expands and your intuition and psychic abilities - telepathy grows. There is a Cochlear spiral in each ear, and they work together to facilitate the function of hearing in the body. And, operate as such. Airplane ear can occur in one or both ears. We are all in this together. Here are things you can do to relieve sinus congestion and related ear congestion: Take a nasal decongestant. Kundalini Activation: Purifying kundalini energies begin to move to release all remaining, dense, trapped energies. This is because there is a lot changes happening on the mental level to accompany the physical changes and spiritual changes occurring in the head chakras. Your ears are popping more often and for no reason. When this Chakra is stimulated or opens up you may experience rushes of energy in the heart/chest area; flutters, heart palpitations, racing or irregular heartbeat, heaviness in the chest; Love; radiating waves of warming energy or heat in the heart area; a profound sense compassion and deep connection to All; frequent bouts of sadness, heartache or crying more often and easily; deeper appreciation for beauty; sensitivity; *Kundalini energy working in heart chakra: Heat, pressure, and possibly movements in heart area, with intense and uneven heartbeats or thumps and poundings; plenty of feeling with crying, raging, being moved by very simple and beautiful things. My ears were ringing so much and so loudly, I couldnt even get to sleep last night! Then they get their ears checked, get a clean bill of health from their doctor, and begin to ruminate that there is some deep systemic issue that is going on. Just like the weather can lift or deflate your mood, so do the planetary movements have an impact on your energy levels and your rate of growth. And, before I even finished my sentence, he put his finger up and said, the Force!. The Trials of Purification - Meeting the Challenges of Spiritual Growth, How Animals Are Assisting Humanity in the Ascension, Copyright While others will need a complete career path change. If you feel pressure in your head, it is a good idea to pay attention to your thoughts and intuition. So, if you are feeling pressure in your head, relax and know that it is only temporary. Some of these evolutionary Ascension symptoms are ones I've lived with for many years now and have gotten familiar with how they cycle in and out, year after year, becoming less intense the more I transmuted and released. The headaches are often accompanied by warmth or energy in the head area and pressure on the temples. Symptoms Without a Diagnosis - The New Language of Energy Bring about changes in your life and discover how the chakras work and how you can improve your mind and body health by working with the chakra centers. Inner Body Vibrations, Ear Ringing & Head Pains. You get a headache, a stomachache, joint pain, dizziness, or any of the other common ascension symptoms (including but not limited to): pain behind the eyes. The initial awakening is often the most startling, since youre getting a grasp of whats happening. Physical Symptoms: light sensitivity, pituitary gland issues, brain tumours, amnesia, foggy vision, strange noises in the ears, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, autoimmune disorders, neurological disorders, hallucinations, auto immune disorders, life threatening disease, dementia, mental Illness. If you are sensitive to others energy fields, being aware of your abilities is key. If you meditate then concentrate on the white light as it is the crown chakra exercise that allows you to pour the energy into the crown without any pain. Ascension in a religious context is the concept of entering heaven aliveThe kindgdom of heaven is within you.. . . * Feeling tired despite getting enough sleep. When there is a lot of cosmic activity, you could feel anxiety rise, accompanied by many of the physical symptoms from this list. All other uses are strictly prohibited. Please follow your own inner guidance, use discernment when necessary and consult a health care professional as needed. Feeling that everything youve ever known has been a lie - As your 5D awareness grows and you reflect deeply on your past, you could feel that everything youve ever known and/or have been taught has been a lie. Ascension Symptoms Include : Anxiety Irritability Stress and pressure, feeling like you are in a pressure cooker Sense of not enough time - time is moving faster, speeding up But we are all expanding as a collective! Some try and change those around them (this may or may not work, as all souls have free will). Associated body parts:Upper abdomen, middle back/ spine, rib cage, liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidney, small intestines, stomach, digestive functions, metabolism, pancreas, adrenals; Sense of Sight. Shifting friendships and rifts can grow within families - This goes hand-in-hand with relationship shifts and changes. Is this for real? The third eye is the chakra located between the eyebrows and is associated with intuition and psychic ability. Fullness in ears (like high altitude on a plane or water in your ears) 7. Follow your individual call. This 5D level of awareness (a creational energy template) finally embedded around our planet back in June 2019. 2. Ten Easy Techniques for Pain Management, 100% Certified Organic and FDA Approved - Provides Safe and Rapid Headache Relief especially for Tension and Sinus Pain Forces of Nature And, we also begin to understand our relationship to the Universe, and how we are an extension of Source Energy. If you have been working on your spiritual growth, the pressure in your head can signify that you are about to reach a new level of understanding. Honouring souls past, present and emerging. All information on this website is my own opinion, and not to be taken as medical advice. . Listed below are physical symptoms of ascension you may experience; Head You might experience headaches Feel dizzy Feel Lightheadedness Ears Popping or air pressure changes Hear ringing or buzzing sounds Earaches Body Pain Back pains, especially mid-lower sections Experience joint pains, Shoulders and knees Feel like you are in your golden years. Represents: Love, Unity, Compassion; Humanitarianisn; Collective Consciousness It may sound silly, but this can be surprisingly effective for relieving ear congestion if there are any fluids trapped within the Eustachian tube. Meeting of pineal and pituitary glands/opening of sacred inner-sight :Perception of light codes, sometimes seen as blindingly bright inner-light behind eyes, firm pressure on crown and the brow, or audible sound such as humming of a high frequency, Changes in the pineal gland, allowing for a wider reception of Cosmic bandwidth: Pressure and headaches or muscle pain in the back of the head, the base of the skull, and the shoulders. Physical Symptoms: Have you had your wake-up call into the higher realms of spirit since 2000? When the pituitary gland and pineal gland absorb more energy and light, theres a feeling of intense pressure in the forehead region or at the back of the head. Often the ascension headaches can manifest in one specific area or side of the head, sometimes shifting around. There may also be neck and shoulder pain, soreness or tightness experienced around the same time as the head symptoms or independently for a few days at a time. I suggest that you implement your ideas - one at time. The opening of these glands leads to enhanced intuition and vision. The eustachian tube helps to restore equilibrium during changes in pressure. Loss of memory - This often happens when you grow in self-awareness. But I have also been concerned! Often, in the presence of such conditions, we look for logical explanations, yet find every explanation insufficient or lacking" document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. The sternocleidomastoid (SCM), masseter, and medial and lateral pterygoid muscle can all cause symptoms in the ear. By performing chakra healing meditation it can help you regain that balance so that you are not holding back any of your characteristics [Read More], Energy flows into and out of chakras which use it to energize the body's meridians (or energetic blood stream). Ears receiving high-vibration sounds - This will sound like a tuning fork being struck in one ear or the other. Bouts of euphoria - followed by feeling low - With 5D ascension and shifting daily planetary influences, you can experience bouts of being on a high, followed by days when your energy feels lower. Rather than becoming angry or frustrated, you can become excited instead. And because this is so widespread, even if you do not feel it yourself, you may feel it coming off other people in their interactions with you. I explained that what he was experiencing was a lot like something in Star Wars. Or, are you suddenly getting lots of aches and pains in your body, and it isnt because you just finished a month-long binge of CrossFit, or experienced sudden physical trauma? But, on the Higher Dimensions, the Cochlea also acts as a Galactic antenna that can receive sounds/signals from the Higher Dimensions. inner ear clicking, high-pitched ringing, pressure like when you change altitude, hearing non-physical voices and . If you become overly emotional, you can ground yourself by stepping outside barefoot into nature and allowing the outdoor energy flow to naturally reset you. This is often when backs can seize up - as you feel unsupported and can manifest this feeling in your back - which supports your body. We simply need to recognize what is happening, and work to bring balance. | You have one eustachian tube on each. But, over the past 20 years that energy has shifted ever higher, as our entire solar system has been flooded in light, which has raised the vibration on Earth through the 4D level (where time seemingly morphs) to the level of 5D (having an awareness that you are an energy being experiencing physical life). Walking your spiritual talk is imperative to being grounded and authentic when embracing 5D ascension. You may even feel some relief. Changes in hair texture, colour, or rate of growth, and nails growing at a fast rate. Awareness reveals the truth within one - no more pretending. This is personal power. Being hugely creative and inspired - With a higher vibration being channeled through you, creativity surges. Others are aware of sudden emotional surges that also appear out of thin air, are intense, repetitive, yet difficult to connect to specific events or circumstances. Good on you for simplifying your schedule, to make room for your needs and what nourishes you. Ascension headaches are not normal headaches and feel quite strange. SYMPTOMS,CONTINUED..headaches, pressure in the ears, neck and upper back stiffness, heart palpitations, a feeling of hyperventilating, sleeplessness even though you may be very tired, and even a need to eat often. The higher vibrations come in waves so we get used to residing in them and when they fall . I remember back in the mid-90s (when I first woke-up) one of the first practices I was intuitively guided towards was becoming vegetarian - which I did, even though it wasnt that popular 25 years ago. Youre being guided to change your ways, to focus more in the moment and not get distracted by many things at once. If it is your third eye, you may experience blurred vision or flashes of light. Represents: Survival, Self-preservation; Identity; Security; Getting Basic Needs Met (food, shelter, sleep, procreation); Primitive Self Because physical and emotional toxins can clog the chakras, sometimes energy becomes blocked or stagnant and the organ systems the chakras feeds becomes deficient [Read More], What we find so hard to believe is that there is the potential within each of us to work more in harmony with our body, mind and spirit. Physical 5D Ascension Symptoms 1: You start to have body aches 2: You may have sore joints 3: You may start to experience fatigue 4: You start to have frequent headaches 5: You may notice toothaches 6: You start to experience vision changes 7: Tummy issues 8: Skin changes 9: You can get clumsy 10: You may have sudden hot flashes or flu Rest your eyes frequently by closing them and being still. You may also want to meditate or do some other form of relaxation. *Headaches. Luckily, I saw his Star Wars tee shirt. Experiencing changes in your mood or emotions. Overwhelming, sudden fatigue requiring that you lie down and rest, or feeling very energized despite little sleep. In other words, you realise that what you focus upon, you can create. So, on slower days - youre not really low, youre just assimilating your changes and growth, before getting ready to expand again. Noticing double/triple digit numbers - The SIGNS - Number sequences will begin to jump out at you. This I liken to a clearing of the third eye. Bumps all over head 4. The pressure is also a sign that your spiritual energy is increasing and you are becoming more attuned to the higher dimensions. The twin flame connection is a higher dimensional connection, and it can take some time for the body to adjust. Emotional/Psychological Symptoms: Confusion, brain fog, trouble concentrating, panic, inability to concentrate or stay focused, spacey, too logical or too abstract, scattered or racing thoughts, forgetfulness, inability to remember dreams, inability to meditate, visualize or connect with inner guidance, learning difficulties, nightmares, seizures, neurological disorders, personality disorders and neuroses, hallucinations. I have been feeling so much inexplicable fatigue in the last few weeks, wondering where its been coming from. Ascension Symptoms - 11 Physical Symptoms of Ascension. 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Then, hop on one foot as steadily as you can. Dont get caught up in the shadow side of the Left Brain downward spiral . The pressure in the head can be intense and can feel like it's about to burst. The more aware you become of your energy being and your power to create (and destroy) the more conducive your manifestations become. Youre receptive to hearing the voice of soul. This type of headache is usually associated with periods of high spiritual activity or when the twins are very close to each other energetically. Vibrational Flu: high temperatures, night sweats, aching bones and joints neck pains, flu-like symptoms Occasional sinus issues: sneeze attacks, runny nose or sore throat that is not a cold or allergy Mental confusion: difficulty concentrating Itching, vibrating, prickling, tingling, stinging or crawling sensations Accept your energy changes as they happen and youll have a much more enjoyable, smoother and rewarding experience of ASCENSION. Tears flowing - overly emotional - This occurs in line with the heart field expanding and your empathic skills developing. When does it shift? A growing need to break free - This can be accompanied by many of the physical symptoms. Use a nasal rinse or nasal irrigation system. October 25, 2013. ENERGY ASCENSION AFFECTS YOUR PHYSICAL BODY VIA YOUR ENERGY FIELDAs an energy being you have many layers to your body created by the soul (which is at the core and emanating through all). It's especially beneficial to do this during any time that you feel any of the uncomfortable ascension symptoms in the head or crown area. It seems I have failed at every attempt to make a difference. Whats the pot of gold at the end of it all? Be aware that they may not understand. If so, how do I know? Likewise, youre constantly interacting with other souls, energy beings - humans, animals, plants, minerals and planetary influences on both a physical and non-physical level. As always, whenever you have ongoing physical symptoms, I encourage you to seek advice from a healthcare professional of your choice. Home If youre a subscriber to The Tip-Off, youre already on our email list, Thank you, youve successfully joined our list. Our vibrational frequency heightens, and we realize that we are unlimited beings. Channeled Light. Greater empathy and compassion - As you deepen your ascension process the energy centre of your heart will expand and create a greater field of compassion around your physical body. Problems with the nasal area, irritated sinuses/breathing, jaw pain, TMJ, issues with esophagus and tonsils; issues with ears/hearing, sore throat,thyroid issues; tonsillitis, laryngitis, voice loss, stuttering, nervous ticks, tension headaches, shoulder and neck pain, mouth, tongue, teeth and gum problems, toothaches; swollen glands, sore throat,thyroid issues. Associated Body Parts: Lower brain, face, ears, nose, sinuses, central nervous system, pituitary gland, eyes, ears, head, and brain stem; Sixth Sense/Intuition. Coldness, decrease in blood circulation and an inability to get warm. Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. Ascension is an entirely natural evolutionary process at work in the universe AS YOUR OUTER BODY LAYERS GROW AND ACTIVATE - YOUR PHYSICAL BODY CHANGESAnd because of this higher awareness (of 5D) that so many are opening up to, theyre experiencing very real changes to their physical body, as a result. You notice that your ears are popping for no apparent reason. As your energy bodies begin to merge with your twin flame, you may experience headaches. One can meditate on the crown chakra by visualizing a white light or stream of energy pouring into the crown. A thirst for ancient, esoteric knowledge - You may find that answers call from our ancient past. (Thank you for that, by the way!). Many also resist the soul assisting the personality and so try to avoid sleep. It was easy for me to explain all this to him, because he hadnt accumulated all the mental clutter we adults tend to amass.