Good. Why would I ask for help knowing Id be left behind at the first sign of danger because of your beliefs? Matts being ungenerous though. Its like hes invisible. Ive heard its a bit hard to run your illegal operation when you havent got funds coming in.. Protecting the baby, Squirrel Girl stays hidden until she hears a polite knock on the door followed by a voice asking if shes okay. Ah, thats good right?. Sloppy. If you hadnt left me behind, you would have known what I was planning.. Im fine. avengers think daredevil is illiteratechaska community center day pass. Say it then.. Time 5 - Thor "Friend daredevil" Thor boomed "greetings" . Please dont let them kill you. Youre heavier than you look. Matt pats at Foggys face in reply, relieved to feel the cloth of his old mask there. For a moment he finds himself marveling at the speed of Starks intelligence. TNT. Feeling guilty maybe? Matt hates that hes hearing it from Captain America of all people. Only fair to give you some warning., Clint shifts in his seat then sighs. Matt laughs. No way you dont know the time every minute that youre out there. He fumbles down the side of the couch with his right hand, the one furthest from Matt, and pulls out a remote. Netflix and Marvel promised that Daredevil, a new series based on the popular comic-book character, would be something different. I didnt follow that too closely. Obviously, Matt snaps out, spinning back to face the elevator and patting the wall for its button. Who does in these days? Clint snaps back, but with a hint of laughter in his voice. That doesnt mean Matts going to make it easy for him. So he should walk away. The moment hes on the street, he pulls out his burner phone and presses at buttons with a prayer in his throat. Drops of his blood drip down his cheeks and coat his tongue. Clints company almost makes up for the whole, Avengers think Im illiterate and stupid thing. That was a SHIELD shell company, used for surveillance. Okay. Matt feels like bouncing on the spot. Theres a collective sigh of relief. Even though he has yet to join the Avengers in the MCU, Daredevil worked alongside the team multiple times in the comics. Focusing, hes sure theres eight people in the room, two women and six men. WARNING: This deals pretty heavily with various issues of ableism. Matt decides he doesnt want to know and ignores them, returning his focus to the idea of a a team-up really. Seriously? marvel fics that make my heart do this twisty thing, Books to absolutely reread like a thousand times, a collection of every marvel fic ive ever read, Marvel Percy Jackson and Harry Potter favorites. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Do could I get a name from you?. What did you say, Cap?. Good redirect there though. Tony Stark. Matt gets to the third floor with minimal problems (two broken jaws and minor scratch on Matt counts as minimal problems, right?) Matt continues pacing up and down Foggys living room, running his hands through his hair. Non-lethal force; except in self-defence., Its probably the best deal Matts going to get and Foggy will kill him if he gets himself seriously hurt or killed working alone when he has this offer open. You can be all I am the night and hide in shadows. Stark sounds highly amused and Captain America only sighs at his co-Avenger friend maybe? Any fire in his blood freezes as he tries to figure out how they could have reached this conclusion. Theyre a Midtown cell of Hydra and theyre much smaller than the one you helped me with. But if these are a bunch of Hydra leaders theyre all going to have bodyguards or something similar around. That can go now. Its a tablet? he repeats. June 14, 2022; did steve urkel marry laura in real life . And you said you can hear every television, radio and clock in Hells Kitchen. Is he working with the Avengers? How about we let the good Captain get back to chewing you for risking your life over your damned pride., Steve sighs. I can hear the difference in those fines but Im not sure what you mean by it., F.I.N.E. When Matt gets them home, hes not surprised to find theyre a bunch of addresses of Hydras targets. Matt searchers through her pockets, looking for the little pin they all seem to carry. I just I have something to say and then Ill go., Matt turns to face him, an eyebrow raised. Got it. Eileen Gonzalez: : And to think the Avengers used to pitch a fit over killing villains. And I thought you could come with me, to be the loud and obvious ground attack.. Thanks man. I didnt realise Tony was going to be such an ass about it. It was clearly labelled, you should have had no problems activating the alarm instead of turning the lights off. Her heart is a touch faster than usual, something Matts sure means shes furious and her tone has a mild note of confusion. Because I can tot-, Tony, Steve says with a sigh. So he lightly tosses Clint his phone. And we all realise we fucked up. Matt huffs in disbelief. He pauses in the doorway. Lifting his head and shoulders causes something sharp and painful to race through him and for a moment the stale room vanishes and he is on Claires soft couch, her gentle hands trying to keep him still. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Besides, Foggy had read the funniest and most interesting files hed found out to Matt. What are you going to do with him?. The archer? The connection sparks in Matts mind, though hes not sure how Clint could be linked to the elf from the book or the movie - he sounds nothing like the actor who played him and surely theres more to a connection than uses bow, must be like that archer in that book. Captain America nods, then hands Matt a small item. But his membership in the Avengers proves that hes never been a man without friends, no matter what persona he tries to portray. If he isn't asking you about your feelings on the Oxford comma, he's probably asking you to name your favorite Green Lantern. A part of Matt wants to keep going, to ignore the man and keep patrolling, but hes very aware of Starks reputation as a stubborn son of a bitch. You, he says to the Black Widow, think Im incompetent because my skills are different to yours. Okay. Relief floods Matt as he is finally listened to. on. Tony go high, make as little noise as possible. So youre going to work with us? Stark - Iron Man but Matt cant help but think of him as the name he knew first - says, surprise in his voice. Is it on the AO3? I wasnt after subtle. So, he says after a moment of silence, if youre not hurt, why are you here?, The memory of what the Avengers said, complete with the icy fury burning in his veins, springs to Matts mind. Avengers: How Daredevil Earned His Place Among Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Batman Is Stealing A Move From Daredevil For His Next Mission, Captain America Finally Explains Why He Let Wolverine Join the Avengers, DC Confirms the Full Power of Flash's Time Travel Abilities, Batman Is Officially DC's New Superman (After Taking Clark's Powers), X-Men's Most Underrated Member is Secretly One Of Marvel's Deadliest Heroes. Okay, I get it. Not like I wear a watch as Daredevil.. Sniffing, Matt picks up sweat, graphite, and metal. Looks like, every bit of his weariness in his voice. For a moment Matt considers telling Stark what he actually thinks, that its a piece of useless shit thats aimed at solving the wrong problem. He can make it work. Whered you see it?, I didnt. Thank you for the information, he says with a bright smirk and races for the rooftops as the police cruiser turns the corner. Im just admiring the view., Matt rolls his eyes, aware the man cant see it. Hell get mad; hell get upset. Theres a car coming this way and Im sure theres no one else using this pier but Hydra.. What the hell are they using as wallpaper? Wanna help?. In their look at Avengers history, CSBG's Eileen and Brian see the Avengers celebrate their victory with Daredevil, but not getting his blind jokes. Therefore he doesnt see Matt remove his hand and slip the comm into his pocket with his phone. That could be important?, With a smile, Matt gently moves Foggys hands off his head. You turned the lights off and made everyones job a thousand times harder because you couldnt read the label? Falcon asks and something in Matt drops at the tone hes using. Hes lying on a soft surface, in an unfamiliar room. Why would I trust you to listen to me tonight when youve not listened to me at all since you came to this conclusion?. Matt makes his way to the Mansion, only to find it surrounded by Luke and Jessicas baby, Danielle Cage, along with her nanny, Squirrel Girl, trapped inside. Its easier to know it by heart than to have to look it up.. Youre assuming you know best and its even worse than if you hadnt helped at all., To Matts surprise, Steve cuts Stark off before he can. In short he obeys both the letter and the spirit of Matts request. Ive got some skill at wiping em out; thought wed come lend a hand., Am I right to guess a little bird told you about my infestation problem?, Behind the Captain, Hawkeye snorts. Legs wobble under the pressure of standing, the pain of standing and every bone aches. Its not just the Avengers who are out in full force the next few nights, as Matt spends half his nights beating various men and women to unconsciousness before they can kill themselves. These guys are good at their jobs but idiots with technology. A roar outside as Starks loud too loud repulsors sound by the window. Confused and a little bit pleased, Matt eventually makes his way to Clints roof. Clint slides up to him. He dropped his phone you know; its right there., Matt narrows his eyes and nods. Matts not sure if thats from his split lip or somewhere else. So? Stark finally asks after having explained every feature that Matts never going to be able to use. Matt has barely had time to form a thought let alone start to worry about his identity. And like all rumours, its spread like wildfire. Matt knows everyone is staring at him, the heat of their gazes boring into him but he just holds his heavy head as high as he can and waits. A few times the 'R' word is used. So much softer than he remembered hardwood being, smooth and cold against his skin. He listens and smiles when he hears Clint herding them to safety. We do. He also realises its either going to be a kill shot or so disabling that he wont get the information he needs tonight. Are we going to debrief or just argue my personal life?, Stark sighs. Something like that. Yes and you should be excited., Matt puts on his most unimpressed look. 4 Daredevil. Matt shrugs. Is sitting optional? A roar inside as Captain America - Steve - charges into the room, perfume and blood by his side and fighting far better than Matt ever could. Nothing, Matt says and he senses Steves nod. Why would I leave a note for police knowing Id be mocked and ridiculed for it and that they wouldnt act on it immediately because of your rumors? CBR Senior Writer Brian Cronin has been writing professionally about comic books for over fifteen years now at CBR (primarily with his Comics Should Be Good series of columns, including Comic Book Legends Revealed). Foggy can attest to his ability to argue for hours on the death penalty and hes not fond of the implicit legitimacy the government has given the Avengers anti-Hydra spree, complete with resulting deaths. You wanna be a hero, you dont get to have a personal life. He sounds weary and defeated but Matt has to bite his tongue to stop himself screaming at him. Seek and find them before they slaughter our innocents?, Steve shakes his head. Has he been an avenger, or been considered an avenger? Matt can ignore it and the throbbing in his gut, to fall back onto his heels. Matts starting to think hes not actually needed here; they have this down to a fine art. Be reasonable about this. Wait here. Before Matt can protest, shes down the stairs and slinking into the back of the cashiers area, taking out the man pacing there before he even manages a breath. Ongoing. I need nothing from you. Who else is coming with you on this thing? If they lie, hes going to refuse their help. From there, hes able to drop down onto the stairwell below it and in a few seconds, hes on the ground in the alleyway and running. If he focuses he can nope. I will not let you kill him. Legal arguments come to mind and are instantly discarded. The gunpowder is to be expected; this must be their armory but theres an awful lot of plastic and is th-. avengers think daredevil is illiterate. Sure. Sitting at the table would be a clear sign he considers himself a part of their team, when he really really doesnt. Hell want to comfort Matt and as nice as that sounds. Fixed: Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed.The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release. Come be my hero. Above him he can hear the twang of Hawkeyes bow and the sounds of the Black Widow fighting her way through the few leaders of this group. A second later and Matt can feel the heat of the flashlight in his hands as he shines it into Matts ear. How many enemies does Matt have left? No killing. Theres no lie in his heart and Matt slowly nods. Theres no one around, Matt says, aware of how empty this place is. Its nearly 4am!, I fucked up, Matt whispers as he staggers to where he thinks theres an alleyway. Right now theres nothing you can do for me I cant do myself and I dont trust you to help me beyond that., Okay, Steve says and theres no fight in his voice. I hope it helps.. And voila, he says, holding out something flat. Jarvisll let you in, you can even bring the mask. Before Matt can gather his wits for a reply or a thought, Stark opens the briefcase. Matts heard thats because the precinct is getting most of New Yorks recruits for the next few years, in hopes of replacing those lost in the purges. He can smell the faint scent of copper but its probably from the men he beat up. Much., And I count as a loose cannon? Matt says, unable to keep the defensiveness out of his voice. Matt has to get up, be on his feet when they win. . Movie night.. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Its not right., Says the man who was beating him up earlier., Hawkeye takes a deep breath then sighs. Instead hes been speaking with the steady but forceful voice he was trained to use in court, aware that a calm voice cuts far deeper than screamed words. No more fine in my apartment. Not too bad yourself, she says in a voice almost as quiet. A force on his back tries to push him down but lightly, barely touching his aching back. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Steves heart is hammering away too, almost sounding like a band of drums by itself. Barely out of his range. Considering how difficult his life has been and how much he . Hes hes not wrong about the missing everything of importance part but it still grates at Matt that its being assumed hes far less competent than he is. Sorry. Trust me, I understand. He fiddles with something in his hands - a knife by the scent of metal and faded blood. Alley., Avenger Tower, nearby alleyway. He listens until they realise the woman is Hydra and organise transport to the nearest hospital before slipping further away. . His heartbeat jumps for a moment before settling back into its even rhythm. They do show during Mark Waid's run that Matt has some perks from when he was an Avenger that he takes advantage of like getting help from Ant-Man and Reed Richards. A solid plan. Daredevil finally assembles alongside Earth's Mightiest in New Avengers #16 by Bendis and Mike Deodato as the HYDRA forces and the Red Skull's daughter, Sin, march on the streets of New York. Better to get this over with now. Everyone seems to tense but Captain America nods. What does that have to do with anything?, Hawkeye carefully picks it up and passes it to Matt. With . Ah, do you know our names or our, Captain America sighs, media given code names?, That gets a surprised sounding huff from Hawkeye. On Matts other side, the Black Widow follows suit and he tries to match their sure steps with sure steps of his own. Matt nods and moves to crouch by the edge of the roof. In fact, its better for Matts cover if they do think hes a complete idiot; a high school dropout barely capable of stringing two words together, who is better at fighting than thinking. Oh right, Matt had forgotten about the SHIELD info dump. With a turn of his head, so Foggy cant see his face, Matt admits, And they may have been ah, upset, when I seemingly mixed up the labels on a switch in the bank and hit the lights instead of the alarm.. Im a Murdock, Matt tries to say but it gets caught somewhere between his brain and his lips, coming out a groan instead. He immediately tries to sense out the light switch, aware hes about to screw Widow over but well if shed not run off alone, he would have told her his plan. Matt senses the arrow coming from nearly the moment its released with the distinctive twang of a bowstring. His fingers brush the bottom half of the page and he pauses at the indents he feels there. She sighs. He pushes up to his hands and knees, mourning the loss of the hardwood floor. Its its certainly something, Matt manages to say. Is that it? Matt manages to say over the hammering of his heart. Finally she tries to go for her tooth and Matt lands a carefully aimed punch to the jaw that breaks it, stopping her moving it. He can hear Steves voice joining in, sans loudhailer but somehow louder, and Matts vaguely impressed when Steve begins to outswear Stark. Holy fuck, youre a stubborn son of a bitch, Steve says in a Brooklyn drawl, so much stronger than usual, thats coloured with concern and admiration. Daredevil finally assembles alongside Earths Mightiest in New Avengers #16 by Bendis and Mike Deodato as theHYDRA forces and the Red Skulls daughter, Sin, march on the streets of New York. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Black Panther Is the Only Avenger To Get Daredevil's 'I'm Blind!' Matts vaguely something about that, even as he ducks out of sight of Iron Man for the third time tonight, hiding near a boiler so if Stark has some kind of heat signature detector or whatever, he wont see Matt. Any fire in his blood freezes as he tries to figure out how they could have reached this conclusion. I got a sudden alarm siren in my ears for a moment but other than that Im-, -fine, Foggy interrupts with a sigh. And the next. Good work, he repeats, in a robotic voice. Dressed in what Banner informs him are Clints oldest and darkest clothes, Matt grabs the bag with his suit and stumbles his way towards the elevator. Brian Cronin: I don't think he planned it out as well as he could have. Its Hydra alright, Captain America whispers as the car - probably a van - pulls up. Matt stops leaning against the wall and takes a slight step right, placing himself directly in front of the window. Brian Cronin: It's just the end of the issue period, no? Clint stands too but doesnt leave the side of the roof. They end up in a tangle of limbs on Foggys floor but hey, Matts through the window and inside so hell give Foggy the victory hell probably want here. You are aware who he works for, right?, Just because hes Hydra doesnt mean I have the right to kill him. State sanctioned murder is still murder , Matt thinks but does not say. The Black Widow also seems to have adjusted to the darkness well, if the ever growing number of men groaning on the ground is anything to judge by. So its dawned on him too. Having used one of Sins armored suits to take out the forces surrounding the Mansion, Matt makes his way inside to check on the two endangered occupants before stashing them inside the Avengers underground bunker. His eyes must be beginning to adjust because he manages to land a hit to Matts stomach. Words have no power, theyre only words. You. This is "From a Different Point of View," a feature where I discuss a comic book . Its not like they wouldnt have noticed eventually that I have issues. This is "From a Different Point of View," a feature where I discuss a comic book series with another writer. off again and turns slightly, so hes facing Matt. Has it been hours? They were on the desk and I grabbed them and got out of there in case well.. Youre going to have to make it past the team first, before you can leave.. They say when you assume you make an ass of you and me. You dont know your own number, he teases. Brian Cronin: "Our special interests kept us from seeing the big picture", Eileen Gonzalez: : The real lesson should be "just listen to Cap, he knows what he's doing. Brian Cronin: It's also weird to have "End of epilogue," right? Clint doesnt seem to notice and shrugs. Daredevil is so good and grim that it's easy to forget it inhabits the same world as the Avengers and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. He does note that Clint is the only Avenger not to stroll Hells Kitchen in search of the Devil. And theres another two cars coming., Okay. The second woman punches him on the cheek, the scent of her nail polish almost as awful as the pain of his skin splitting under the force of the punch. Dont remember much but i think luke cage was leading them and I remember a line that was something like you ask me if daredevil is good enough to be an avenger. Flinching, Matt pulls the comm out, glad its small size allows him to do this with ease. If you dont finish your fight soon, Matt cuts into the arguing. Hes busy enough as it is without trying to figure out how to work with another person. Matts been in dirtier hospitals. Matt doesnt need it to hear them - he can hear Stark chattering away on Captain Americas comm from here - but he cant admit to that. Brian Cronin: I'm totally down with Thor being willing to do it. The only reason Matt knows Foggy is blinking in confusion is because he can hear his eyelashes fluttering. Mr Matt I graduated summa cum laude Murdock? You dont say Buddy, Foggy says. Matt is the son of boxer . Hes going to have to talk to the Avengers eventually. Daredevil fans spent years pondering the inclusion of the hero in the MCU, but now that he's there and we know a bit about him, it feels like there are more things to ask about than ever. Its not like the Avengers can keep anything to themselves. Captain America storms in, his apparently obnoxious costume drawing the attention of the ten arguing Hydra grunts in the bottom level of the warehouse. Its usually followed by a surprised tone, when Matt proves his blindness did nothing to his intelligence. Used to the sound of doubt, he pushes off the bed and stumbles as the pain hits him, feeling as if hes walked into a brick wall. Not many ways I can fake reading something held up to my face. He nudges the briefcase. Take it anyway, Stark says, putting the briefcase at Matts feet as his gauntlets slip onto his hands. Well dont, Matt snaps, not slowing his sprinting steps. Brian Cronin: I'll give Thomas this much, he TRIES to sell it by saying that the Red Wolf story accelerated the attack, but even there, that doesn't really work, Brian Cronin: As there is no real argument that accelerating the attack made a difference, Brian Cronin: IN FACT, accelerating the attack meant that the Fantastic Four wasn't there. He shifts, unsure of how to ask why. Thought I was losing it for a second there. Theres a smile in his voice and a relieved sigh in his breath. And even more careful the next. Somehow, Foggy always cuts to the heart of an issue. I dont need to be fixed, he repeats, to a general sigh from the room. What do you think?. You dont do debriefs because you work alone and you only got out of the one last time you helped us because you took off on us.. I cant read a screen. With or without you-, - the people of Hells Kitchen are not going to suffer because you cant keep your wars out of my city. He turns to leave but the Black Widow steps in front of him. (See the end of the work for other works inspired by this one.). Not only was he able to protect Danielle Cage from the forces of HYDRA, but he would later help the team take on Norman Osborn and his newly reformed Dark Avengers squad, and hed fight alongside them during Avengers vs X-Men. The address is not an abandoned warehouse, as Matts come to expect from these fractured and scrambling Hydra cells. Their footsteps pound together in Matts head as he resists the temptation to clutch at his ribs. She keeps up with him, nearly silent to his sensitive ears. Oh?, Okay this is worse than I thought. 41st and 11th; 43rd and 12th; and 40th and 10th. And, though he hates to admit it, hes beginning to think he could be in over his head. He continues trying to sit up and hears Banners sigh. Carefully, he locates the archer by his breathing and heartbeat and tries to move so most of his body is covering the dazed trafficker on the ground. He unfolds it gently and hears her outraged and slightly terrified whimper as he does. He can hear the man laugh and uses that to direct his punch into the mans jaw. You said you werent bleeding!, Pausing halfway through taking his mask off, Matt cocks his head.