This living coal represents the cleansing blood of Christ that keeps on cleansing us from all sin. (See context Believer's Bible Commentaryor borrow Believer's Bible Commentary) (Bolding added), Edwin Blum in the respected Bible Knowledge Commentary agrees writing, John wrote that this glory Isaiah saw was Jesus glory. Holy is the angels Maker, He who spread His stars in the skies. And there will be a time of distress(Heb = tsarah; Lxx =thlipsisthe same word used by Jesus in His phrase "The Great Tribulation" [thlipsis megale]) such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued.7 I heard the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, as he raised his right hand and his left toward heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever that it would be for a time, times, and half a time (synonymous time phrases= 1260 days, 42 months, "middle of the week"); and as soon as they finish shattering the power of the holy people (ISRAEL), all these events will be completed. 15 or solely to chs. The greatest moment in their fishing career causes them to stop and ponder what God is doing. (Isaiah 6:3-5 on mp3). Only so can we really be prepared to give an effectual testimony. Copyright 2007, Grace to You. Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us? Then I said, Here am I. Pentateuch Johannine Writings AND HE ANSWERED, "UNTIL CITIES ARE DEVASTATED AND WITHOUT INHABITANT, HOUSES ARE WITHOUT PEOPLE AND THE LAND IS UTTERLY DESOLATE. Although some action heroes show sensitivity, the message of our society is that success demands toughness. For the next few days, well consider attitudes of our hearts that open us to prayer. Though the closing years of Uzziahs reign were filled with disobedience to God, this Judean monarch, in comparison with many other kings, was still considered godly, for he did right in the sight of the Lord (2Ki 15:3). Therefore, since Jn 12:41 refers to Jesus, it makes Him the Author of the judicial hardening of Israel. Now flee (present imperative - Command to make this your habitual practice. For instance, God's throne is in the heavenly temple, which, as we will learn later this month, served as the pattern for the earthly temple. (Le 27:32-note). Reformation was a priority when he became king (2 Kin. Minor Prophets I think many Christians have never felt like they were called to do anything for God because they have never been cleansed. Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth. The same distinction appears in Josh 7:8, 9, 10, 11. It is that good! When I walk by your side 9 There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens everyone. Isaiah 6:3AND ONE CALLED OUT TO ANOTHER AND SAID "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY IS THE LORD OF HOSTS, THE WHOLE EARTH IS FULL OF HIS GLORY: And one called out to another - One to another suggest an antiphony (as when one choir alternates in singing with another). Hymns Project (Vine, W. Collected writings of W. E. Vine. Pentateuch Kaphar includes the ideas of to forgive, be merciful, pacify, pardon, purge (away), put off, reconcile or make reconciliation. ", Taken away (05493) (cuwr) conveys the primary sense of to turn aside and thus means to depart, remove, or be removed. It has pleased GOD to commit the declaration of His truth to men rather than to angels. Of all the things that God is, at the center of His being, He is holy Gods holiness unlocks the door to understanding and making sense out of everything else about Him., This is an important truth for us to understand in relation to heaven and the kind of people who will be there. THEN I SAID, HERE AM I. McGee -Isaiah heard God's call for the first time and responded to it, as a cleansed individual will do. The conception is sublime: but it makes us feel how altogether inconceivable the personal glory of the Lord must be; if light itself is but His garment and veil, what must be the blazing splendour of His own essential being! Isaiah 6 is a good representative because it captures the majesty of God's Person, His perfect holiness and overwhelming presence. Romans (Jas 3:2+). Could the Lord Who is not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance (2Pe 3:9-note) keep men and women from salvation by preventing them from understanding the message of the Gospel?, It is a people immersed in sin. Filling with smoke - Given that there is an altar, that could be the source of the smoke. Isaiah's confession and contrition was met with God's gracious provision of mercy as He promised in Isaiah 57, For thus says the high and exalted One Who lives forever, whose name is Holy, I dwell on a high and holy place, and also with the contrite and lowly of spirit (descriptive of Isaiah) in order to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite. (Bolding added), The glory of God that Isaiah saw in his vision (Isa 6:1-4) is identified with the glory of the Logos-Son, in accordance with John 1:18 and 17:5. It was Jesus Who Moses experienced in the burning bush. Before Isaiah is sent to preach to the sinful and rebellious nation, the majesty, greatness, and holiness of God is revealed to him. Hebrew sometimes uses repetition for emphasis By repeating the word "holy," the seraphs emphasize the degree of the Lord's holiness. Neither can be discarded. Acknowledge your "ruined" state and cry out for God's cleansing. God did not lay a strong compulsion on Isaiah; Isaiah was in the presence of God and he overheard the call, and realized that there was nothing else for him but to say, in conscious freedom, "Here am I, send me." This is a frightful state. The New Testament This Grace to You article originally appeared here. Therefore, Isaiah's preaching was not needed to prevent repentance! 2 Corinthians We face the same question because, amazingly, this holy God has said, 'Be holy, because I am holy' (1Pe 1:16). Bible Verse; Newest; Oldest; Most Viewed; Sermon. We should only be offended if we are offended by the fact that God is a God who judges sin. (Isaiah - Expository Notes). Get out of your mind the idea of expecting God to come with compulsions and pleadings. Since service is in question, Moses (appropriately) addresses Jehovah as Lord. John MacArthur has served as pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, since 1969. Isaiah refers frequently to the doctrine of the remnant (and a term often used synonymously = "survivors"), Remnant - Isa 10:20, 21, 22-note, Isa 11:11, 16-note, Isa 15:9, 16:14, 28:5, 37:4, 37:31, 37:32, 46:3, Survivor = Isa 1:9 Isa 4:2, 3 (he who is left and remains) Isa 37:32 Isa 66:19. It was when this passed away into shame and disgrace that Isaiah saw the Eternal King on his throne. True worship ought to lead to witness and service. (See context inIsaiah). the four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes around and within; and day and night they do not cease to say, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, Who was and Who is and Who is to come. (Re 4:8-note), contrasting with the thrice repetition of six in the number of the Beast in Rev 13:18-note). 6, he sought the Lord for understanding and instruction When he saw Him in the temple, he pronounced a woe on himself: Isaiah realized two things in ch. How different from some Christians who rush out to serve Christ before taking time to meet the Lord and be cleansed. Daniel For example, nothing in Isaiah reveals the extended period separating the two comings of the Messiah. The message and the revelation are to be repeatedly before the nation, yet she is forbidden to perceive and understand. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. Multiple related passages dealing with "judicial hardening"and the related topic of Jesus speaking in parables - Dt 29:4+, Isa 6:9,10+ Mt 13:11-15+ Mk 4:11-12+ Lk 8:10+ Jn 9:39-41, Jn 12:38-40Acts 28:26,27+ Ro 11:7-10+, 2Co 3:14-15+, Eph 4:17-18+, 2Th 2:10-12+. While besieging Lachish, he sent a contingent of forces to besiege Jerusalem (2 Kin 18:1719:8; Is. Concordia Self-Study Note - The nearer one comes to God, the more he feels his own sinfulness and unworthinessas did Abraham (Ge 18:27). Having received his commission, he is to go forth in the name of the One who sends him, declaring the message committed to him. . And when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed Him. (Bolding added), JEHOVAH, (is) a name implying His immutable constancy to His promises. 2 Peter 6:1-8). Each guide incorporates extensive commentary, detailed observations on overriding themes, and probing questions to help you study the Word of God. "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee. (1 Ki 8:10, 11, 12), Tony Garland in his discussion of The Abiding Presence of God (take a moment to read this insightful discussion) writes that. Roma Downey, who has never renounced her extensive New Age involvement, is now firmly entrenched and aligned with contemporary Christian leadership. The Lord healed Hezekiahs critical illness, as Isaiah had predicted (38:5; 2 Kin. Peters confession becomes his rsum for service. But God is promising that just as a tree may sprout again from a stump, so there will be a remnant of the nation that will survive. Mark the profound humility of the seraphim-they veiled with their wings their faces and their feet. (Isaiah - Expository Notes), From this passage one can conclude that the servants of the Holy King may be called upon to. As when the sun appears, all the lesser lights vanish into darkness, so when Jesus rises in noontide glory upon the soul, all other glory retires, and He alone fixes the eye and fills the mind. The repetition of the word 'holy' speaks of God's perfect holiness His complete purity and separation from anything evil. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Remembering our spiritual estrangement, our great undischarged indebtedness to God, our impurity of heart in His sight, our manifold transgressions of His righteous law,our souls tremble before Him; and if we do not say, Depart from me, O Lord! as Peter did, yet our first thought is to escape from His felt presence, to put some distance, in thought and feeling, between ourselves and that Holy and Mighty One in whose power we stand so absolutely, and whose Spirit we have grieved so greatly. The early church father Jerome likened him to Demosthenes, the legendary Greek orator. You will see the gospel detailed in God's own words as He reveals His Messiah, His love for Israel, and His promises for you. (The Commission of Isaiah - Emmaus Journal V4:1, Summer, 95)(Bolding added). (The Commission of Isaiah - Emmaus Journal V4:1, Summer, 95). and continued for 29 years to ca. What we believe about God is so crucial because everything else in our lives is built on that foundation. And with the other twain aloft they soared, They need to confess the sins in their lives, because their service will be sterile and frustrating until that takes place. With two he covered his feet. 1. General Epistles The Astonishing Servant of Jehovah (Isaiah 53) John MacArthur Published on Apr 16, 2012 by JohnMacArthurGTY Now for this morning, I finally want you to open your Bible to the fifty-third chapter of Wiersbe -"Go and tell" is still God's command to His people (Isa 6:9; see Mt 28:7; Mk 5:19). The voice of the seraphim was so powerful that the sound waves caused the temple foundation to sway back and forth, even as mountains tremble when Jehovah appears (Ex 19:18, Jdg 5:4). 2 Chronicles Back to John MacArthur's Bio & Resources, David Guzik :: 1 Corintios 7 Principios Sobre el Matrimonio y la Soltera, David Guzik :: 1 Juan 2 Impedimentos para una comunin con Dios, David Guzik :: Gnesis 3 La tentacin y cada del hombre, David Guzik :: Gnesis 2 La CreacinTerminada; Adn en el Jardn del Edn, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus and the Holy Trinity (Walter Martin), 1 Samuel 1-10 (1979-82 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Genesis 15-18 (1979-82 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Third Person of the Trinity (Chuck Smith), Prophecies concerning Judah and Jerusalem (, Redemption of Israel through World Judgment (, First song of thanksgiving for redemption (, Second song of thanksgiving for redemption (, Israels chastisements and final prosperity (, Woe to those who trust in horses and chariots (, A cry for justice against the nations, particularly Edom (, Sennacheribs Attempt to Capture Jerusalem (, Results of the Suffering Servants redemption (, The Lords answer to Israels supplication (. Isaiah 9:6. The God of grace and mercy is also a God of judgment. He cried out in distress, suddenly very aware of his sinfulness. (See context in The Wiersbe Bible Commentary: Old Testament). Recognizing Jesus identity and thus his inherent holiness made Simon painfully aware of his own sinfulness. (Luke. Shane and Shane (Ps 72:19), but indeed, as I live, all the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord. Scofield -Hebrew kaphar means to propitiate, to atone for sin. And He said to them, "Follow (command) Me, and I will make you fishers of men." 17 "For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it. MacArthur also referred to other biblical figures, such as the prophet Isaiah and the apostle Paul who delivered messages of judgment and that it was "too late" for some to be saved, respectively. But it was at this point that the character of this terrifying God shined through. UPDATED-ISAIAH: THE PROMISE of the Messiah (MacArthur Bible Studies) - $31.84. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Enduring Word Bible Commentary Isaiah Chapter 6, Isaiah 1-44 Devotionals & Sermon Illustrations, Isaiah 45-66 Devotionals & Sermon Illustrations, Isaiah Devotionals & Sermon Illustrations-Our Daily Bread, 1Ki 22:19; Job 1:6; Da 7:10; Zech 3:4; Luke 1:10; Rev 7:11, Ex 15:20,21; Ezra 3:11; Ps 24:7, 8, 9, 10) (Ex 15:11; Rev 4:8,9; 15:3,4) (Isa 11:9,10; 24:16; 40:5; Nu 14:21; Ps 19:1, 2, 3; 57:11; 72:19; Hab 2:14; Zec 14:9; Ep 1:18). His focus on unclean lips may foreshadow his calling, but more likely signals that he understood how far short his worship fell of Gods worthiness. (See context inIsaiah 1-39: An Exegetical and Theological ExpositionBolding added), The NET Bible has a lengthy insightful note on this enigmatic passage. These numbers are on the rise and account for half the deaths in the state. 2 "Speak [ a]kindly to Jerusalem; And call out to her, that her [ b]warfare has ended, That her [ c]guilt has been removed, That she has received of the Lord's hand. God does not need or want servants who think they are doing God a favor. 36:237:8). Isaiah 6 - Isaiah's Conviction, Cleansing and Call A. 18:1, 2). However, Israel's blindness is not permanent. TODAY ALONG THE WAY - Isaiah 6 is not the kind of text we can just read and put down. An encounter with Gods power is no reason to draw back from him, but an opportunity to approach him on the right basis, in faith and dependence. Moody Publishers, The Commission of Isaiah - Emmaus Journal V4:1, Summer, 95, Be Comforted (Isaiah): Feeling Secure in the Arms of God, New American Commentary: Volume 15a: Isaiah 1-39. Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see; John now added the explanation that it was Christs glory which Isaiah saw, and it was of Christ that he spoke. (Enduring Word Bible Commentary Isaiah Chapter 6), When the nation was thoroughly cut down and burned, there would be a little spiritual life in it that would eventually sprout. What will my heart feel? Spurgeon comments that: the light about Him as a monarch puts on his robe. Faces covered, wings resplendent, Seraphim before Him bow! The figure involves rescue from danger, since those caught are caught alive (on the term alive, see Nu 31:15, 18; Dt 20:16; Josh 2:13; 2 Maccabees 12:35; on the fisher and being hooked, Jer 16:16; Ezek 29:4, 5, 6; Amos 4:2; Hab1:14, 15, 16, 17). We suggest that you use a physical object to help yourself grasp spiritual truth more vividly. Behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child" (Jer 1:6). On the other it is the execution of Gods righteous judgment. TODAY ALONG THE WAY- Its a staggering thought to realize that naturally unholy people like us can look forward to sharing heaven with our sinless God. John His name was Paul, and he cried out, "O wretched man that I am! The Old Testament Also the holiness of God consists of His positive attributes which constitute His deity. We are lost in astonishment, and dare not pry into the mystery lest we be blinded by its insufferable glory. who shall deliver me from the body of this death?" Adonai - 52v in Isaiah - Isa 1:24; 3:1, 15, 17, 18; 4:4; 6:1, 8, 11; 7:7, 14, 20; 8:7; 9:8, 17; 10:12, 16, 23, 24; 11:11; 19:4; 21:6, 8, 16; 22:5, 12, 14, 15; 25:8; 28:2, 16, 22; 29:13; 30:15, 20; 37:24; 38:16; 40:10; 48:16; 49:14, 22; 50:4, 5, 7, 9; 51:22; 52:4; 56:8; 61:1, 11; 65:13, 15, C I Scofield writes on Adon/Adonai that there are two principles that evolve from the relation of master and servant. (The Ryrie Study Bible: New American Standard Translation: 1995. Israel was not done being disobedient when the returned from the Babylonian captivity, and God was not done bringing His judgment on a disobedient Israel. And Jesus said to Simon, "Do not fear, from now on you will be catching men." When our Lord called His disciples there was no irresistible compulsion from outside. Forgiven (KJV = purged) (03722)(kapar related to koper = to cover as in Ge 6:14, ransom, as in Ex 21:30, Nu 35:31, Ps 49:7, an atonement by blood - Lev 17:11) means to atone by offering a substitute. It is that which causes the Holy Spirit to use us for real blessing amidst them. The interested reader is referred to other resources for more in depth discussion (Smith: New American Commentary, Oswalt: The New International Commentary). Genesis In a vision? Pauline Epistles Ruined (01820) (damah) primarily means made to cease, come to one's end, cut off, undone, doomed to die. In his commentary, John MacArthur reminds us of the dire consequences of elevating an unqualified shepherd: "The church must heed Paul's warning and not lift up those whom the Lord will later have to cut down." Used with permission from John MacArthur. God sometimes, in righteous judgment, gives men up to blindness of mind, because they will not receive the truth in the love of it (see 2Thes above). Paraphrasing God's call to Isaiah in Isaiah Chapter 6, MacArthur said, "Go tell them it's too late. (See context in Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testamentor borrow Wiersbe's expository outlines on the Old Testament). The MacArthur Bible Studies provide intriguing examinations of the entire Bible. Ecclesiastes The early church father Jerome likened him to Demosthenes, the legendary Greek orator. Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him (Revelation 1:7). 20:7). (See context in The Wiersbe Bible Commentary: Old Testament), It is interesting to see the meaning of this same fraction of a "tenth" in Leviticus where Moses records that, every tenth part of herd or flock, whatever passes under the rod, the tenth one shall be holy to Jehovah. The Hebrew form is Kvod Adonai, which means the glory of Jehovah and describes what the Shechinah Glory is. Who was, and is, and evermore shall be. When Moses admitted his position as a slave and Gods position as the Lordthe Masterthere was only one viable optionto obey. Isa 6:11-13) was fulfilled by 701 B.C. (Jn 12:41), Comment: John MacArthur writes that "John unambiguously ties Jesus to God or Yahweh of the OT (see Jn 8:58 - Jesus declared Himself to be Yahweh, i.e., the Lord of the OT). This verse is a classic example of a chiasmus in which there is an inversion in the second set of phrases of the order of similar words in the first section. But having your act together runs contrary to Scripture. John MacArthur is pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California and president of The Master's College and Seminary. Isaiah 6. One to the other called and praised the Lord: Holy is God, the Lord of Sabaoth! He is bound by His own Word to fulfill the promises He has made to bring them back to Himself and bless them in that future day (55:1012). The usual title found in Scriptures for the Shechinah Glory is the glory of Jehovah, or the glory of the Lord. This suggests that their utterances were antiphonal, though not in song. Christ is again represented under discouraging circumstances, as despised of men, abhorred by the nation, and a servant of rulers; who is encouraged by divine promises that kings should rise up before him, and worship him; that God would be faithful to his promise to him, and yet choose him, hear and help him, at a proper time; preserve him, and Blessed spectacle!-a soul prostrate before the glory of the incarnate God! 7 He came as a witness, to bear witness about the Light, so that all might believe through him. Fatal wounds proclaim His praise! ), Some have seen a reference to the Trinity in the seraphs' threefold declaration, "holy, holy, holy." All rights reserved.For details about our copyright policy, click here: Isa 11:11, 12-note). If we let the Spirit of God bring us face to face with God, we too shall hear something akin to what Isaiah heard, the still small voice of God; and in perfect freedom will say, "Here am I; send me." Instead of erasing the prophet with a blast of holiness, God sent an angel to cleanse and forgive Isaiah. From heavy derives the idea of a "weighty" person in society, one who is honorable, impressive, worthy of respect, the meaning in >50% of uses. Another purpose was to reveal God's holiness and worthiness to be worshiped. (See The Commission Of The Call), Isaiah 6:9 HE SAID, " GO, AND TELL THIS PEOPLE: 'KEEP ON LISTENING, BUT DO NOT PERCEIVE; KEEP ON LOOKING, BUT DO NOT UNDERSTAND. In addition Isaiah is the agent in achieving this effect. (Nu 21:6), Comment: Here the word fiery or burning probably refers to the burning pain and the inflammation which resulted from the venomous bite, which brought death to all who would not look at the bronze serpent and live. It is true that God does bless His Word even when it is given out by those who are playing around with sin, but in time God judges them severely. The New Testament And similar to the LORD in Isaiah 6, Jesus (Who in fact I believe is also Jehovah of Isaiah 6) gives Peter, James and John a commission to be "catching men" to which they responded to the Lord's call/commission (much like Isaiah) by leaving everything and following Him. Jesus does not call those who think they can help God do his work. Ears dull hear - So they cannot hear God's message. In the OT, God revealed His glory at Sinai (Ex 24:16, 17), in the tabernacle (Ex 40:34, 35, 36, 37, 38), in the Jerusalem temple (1Ki 8:10, 11) and here in Isaiah 6 to the prophet. Notice the extent of his sense of sinfulness. The thought of Isa 6:9, 10 is complex and must be viewed from different aspects. For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. The NET note however feels that "The plural pronoun ("us") refers to the Lord, the seraphs, and the rest of the heavenly assembly. Prophets And for this reason (What reason? (SeeIsaiah 1-39: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition), John Fish offers a sobering summation of the last section of Isaiah 6, The preaching of Isaiah in Isaiah 6 calls us to remember a solemn and important message of Scripture. Ray Pritchard - Once Peter realized who Jesus really wasthe true Son of God from heavenhe saw himself in a new light. It is not great talents God blesses so much as likeness to Jesus. Even with our best intentions and desires, our worship of God is imperfect. The nearer we are to the Lord the greater the sense of our utter unworthiness. Ezra "Many are called but few are chosen," (Mt 22:14) that is, few prove themselves the chosen ones. On the surface it seems to indicate Isaiah's hardening ministry will prevent genuine repentance. Isaiah, chapter six is a message that the judgment of God is not only in the future, it may also be now. Volume 96:325. After Paul met the Lord, he no longer saw himself as a self-righteous Pharisee, but as a lost sinner in need of salvation. While God Himself did not literally do this to Judah, He did use King Nebuchadnezzar to carry out this end of carrying Judah off into exile in Babylon. When your face is before me It certainly was for Isaiah. Have we sought to veil-not our beauties, for beauty we have none-but our innumerable and flagrant deformities, even the "spots upon our feasts of charity," the sins of our best and holiest things; and, renouncing all self-glory, have we sunk, as into nothing before God? On the former issue, literal fulfillment of many of Isaiahs prophecies has already occurred, as illustrated in Introduction: Historical and Theological Themes. Send me! (Isa 6:8). The Lord with the sound of a trumpet. These verses give us a vivid word picture of God's majesty and glory. Historical Books The basic sense of the word "holy" is "set apart from that which is commonplace, special, unique." God in three Persons, blessd Trinity! He sets the standard; they fall short of it. Lets also remember that God made us holy in Jesus Christ not just to prepare us for heaven in the sweet by-and-by, but so we can live above the pull of sin in the mixed-up here-and-now. All high and lofty views of its own false glory annihilated by clear and close views of the true glory of Jesus. Missionaries and others who live among various cultures observe that people tend to create and then worship gods whom reflect their own peculiar tendencies. Ge 32:20; Ex 29:33, 36, 37; 30:10, 15f; 32:30; Lev 1:4; 4:20, 26, 31, 35; 5:6, 10, 13, 16, 18; 6:7, 30; 7:7; 8:15, 34; 9:7; 10:17; 12:7f; 14:18, 19, 20, 21, 29, 31, 53; 15:15, 30; 16:6, 10f, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24, 27, 30, 32, 33, 34; 17:11; 19:22; 23:28; Nu 5:8; 6:11; 8:12, 19, 21; 15:25, 28; 16:46f; 25:13; 28:22, 30; 29:5; 31:50; 35:33; Dt 21:8; 32:43; 1Sa 3:14; 2Sa 21:3; 1Chr 6:49; 2Chr 29:24; 30:18; Neh 10:33; Ps 65:3; 78:38; 79:9; Prov 16:6, 14; Isa 6:7; 22:14; 27:9; 28:18; 47:11; Jer 18:23; Ezek 16:63; 43:20, 26; 45:15, 17, 20; Da 9:24. Pharaoh was called lord (adon) because he was the sovereign over Egypt (Gen. 40:1). He was judged with leprosy, from which he never recovered (2 Kin. When called by God to prophesy, in the year of King Uzziahs death (ca. For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lipsfor mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts." Thus, this verse is another important link in the chain of evidence that proves Jesus Christ to be God. ), so the ruined Israel contains the indestructible germ of the future kingdom of God, the holy seed is wrapped up in it. Damah - 15x in 14v in the NAS - Ps 49:12, 20; Isa 6:5; 15:1; Jer 6:2; 14:17; 47:5; Lam 3:49; Hos 4:5, 6; 10:7, 15; Obad 1:5; Zeph 1:11. This period of the Day of the Lord corresponds to the last 3.5 years ofDaniel's Seventieth Weekduring which time the Campaign of Armageddon will be waged and be brought to an abrupt termination when the King o kings returns (Rev 19:11-16-note) and defeats all of His and Israel's enemies (Rev 19:17-21-note). You should find someone upon whom you can depend. The Lord, however, did not intend to get rid of Simon Peter. God starts out graciously revealing his will and offering repentance, but if people repeatedly reject God, eventually the day of hardening and judgment will come. 17:6, 24). But the effect of this view of our Lord's divine glory upon the mind of the prophet is still more impressive: "Then said I, Woe is me!