As Pluto moves through the final degrees of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, to use a phrase from Emily Dickinson, this is the Hour of Lead. 17. Interestingly, Neptune was also in Aries at the time, and Saturn was opposing Uranus. Pluto was at 26.41 Capricorn. Shawn Nygaard is a professional astrologer based in Minneapolis, MN. (26). Pluto in Aquarius in a nutshell: Style:Original and independent; Top qualities:Adaptable, relaxed and eager; Challenges:Extremist and undecided; Advice:Beware of compulsive behaviors; Celebrities:Arthur Schopenhauer, Franz Schubert, Miguel de Cervantes, Stendhal. Add These Dates to Your G-Cal March 7: Full Moon in Virgo and Saturn enters PiscesMarch 16: Venus enters Taurus March 20: Aries season beginsMarch 21: New Moon in AriesMarch 23: Pluto enters AquariusMarch 25: Mars enters CancerWe're only a few mont Pluto represents two things: an era and a generation. He is a tutor for MISPA (Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology) and has been a speaker at the AA, NCGR, UAC, SOTA, and NORWAC conferences, as well as the Minnesota Jung Association. 11. They will have liberty, or they will have death. The United States Constitution was ratified early into that Pluto in Aquarius transit. Aquarius rules the 11th house which is a very different energy. This was when the Enlightenment reached its peak and the ideas of individualism and rationalism were spreading. On 14 July, 1789 they stormed the Bastille, starting the French Revolution. 15. We need to stop handing our power over to people who dont deserve it and corrupt everything they touch. Going back to the tub, he noticed the fish swimming around and around in circles the same size as the fishbowl. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius, there was the French Revolution. All facts of the French Revolution found in this section come from this series of lectures. During this period, French citizens. But they wont give up their power easily. Utilitarianideas took off and fed into the discussion around welfare and how to maximise happiness for the majority. This era saw the expansion of cultural trade routes across Eurasia and into Europe. This is a period of severe social unrest. In Russia, Catherine the Great came to the throne in 1762 during Pluto in Capricorn, and reigned until 1796. Revolution was spreading elsewhere too. But Denmark was the first nation to abolish the slave trade in 1792. The year 1777 immediately caught my eye because July 4, 1776 is when the Declaration of Independence was declared, giving birth to the strongest empire the world has known to date. Finally, the most recent Pluto transit of Aquarius was in 1777 1797 while Uranus was in Gemini. Listen for your rising sign, most acc. (Pluto has an elliptical orbit that can cause Pluto to stay in any one sign for between 14 and 33 years.) See, Biden Is the Oldest President to Take the Oath. The forest is the uncivilized contrast to human civilization. Before Western culture will be released from the conservative grip of Saturn, perhaps we must dip into what Irish culture refers to as the Well at the Worlds End, or Connlas Well. Center cannot hold: Background image by Bronisaw Drka, Pluto by Peter Lomas, Aquarius glyph by Tanya, all via Pixabay. If you enjoy this blog and would like to support my work, please consider making a donation. Pluto's ingress into Aquarius is a generational shift with profound manifestations. We can expect to see further breakdowns of things like artificial borders between countries, such as the ones which created Israel and Iraq in the middle east, as well as an increase . A couple notable historical events in history that occurred the last time that Pluto was in Aquarius were the French Revolution in 1789 and the American revolution of 1776. He was a Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn in Aquarius man. Any threat to the kings power be it a person or even a book could simply be thrown into the murky prison filled with bones and rats. Mediavine Publisher Network As well as dredging the useless old crap out of the system, Pluto in Aquarius could trigger breakthroughs and new ideas in science. More here: Active Hope and a New Kind of Power. If we step outside of the scientific frame, outside of the evidence-based research and all-too-convincing facts, we may find imaginative solutions to human problems. Like the Industrial Revolution before it, the AI Revolution will reduce employment opportunities in the short term while improving people's lives in the long run. The American Revolution was still going on when Pluto moved into Aquarius back in the 18th century. By all accounts, the French Revolution is one of the most fascinating, intricate, and tumultuous periods of history, forever changing France, Europe, and Western culture altogether. (27). Light returns, slowly but surely, refreshed. 1787: Freed slaves from London establish Freetown in present-day Sierra Leone new communities set-up. I learned a lot thanks for including the historical information. Saturn governs what we typically think of as cold, hard reality real reality. Pluto's most recent visit to Aquarius occurred during an era of revolution among several countries around the world. Its purifying action brings about regeneration through the destruction of outmoded forms with both positive and negative consequences. Aquarius is a tricky sign and prone to being misrepresented and viewed through rose-tinted New Age specs (with heart-shaped lenses). Thus, where Leo brings us into relationship with the center of things like a king or queen at the center of their kingdom Aquarius moves us away from the center, among the people, the citizens of the kingdom, and beyond. 17811785: Serfdom is abolished in the Austrian monarchy (first step; second step in 1848). The Uranus Pluto cycle represents revolutionary and radical cultural change and technological innovation that transforms society. As revolutions tend to be, it was also messy and full of unforeseen complications. , Your email address will not be published. This was the era of Independence in the USA, also the French Revolution and a time of sweeping change and social reform. On May 5, 1789, revolution broke out in France, with Pluto at 19 Aquarius. The revolution proceeded to grow and upend society. 14. James Watts' improved steam engine revolutionised production. A breakthrough in some form of free energy would achieve this. See, At 90, William Shatner becomes the oldest person to reach the final frontier. Again, this is Pluto in Aquarius to a T - a very real 'power of the people'. The French Revolution of 1793 had a dramatic effect and not just in France, though this was partially due to Pluto being opposition Uranus. This climb upward can be hard work, difficult, and taxing. The move then is upward, like waking from a deep, hibernating sleep. Pluto will move into Aquarius, ruled by Uranus on 23rd March 2023. Personally, I think the last 20 years has been the worst in my entire life. Fear not, humanity!!! This has allowed authorities to steadily take our freedoms away and for those that still dont realise what this will lead to, the World Economic Forum has already advertised, You will own nothing and be happy. And that requires self-knowledge the one thing we suck at. He also standardised the imperial weights and measures in 1305, although they were continuously tweaked after that. of the astrological community and makes it available to everybody. Sun-lit clarity and observation was valued over the moon-lit mysteries found in the shadows (depth psychology would emerge less than two centuries later to revisit those missing shadows). Perhaps the next radical revolution will be an inner revolution, each individual finding within themselves a new center that can hold. Innovations of the time include block printing in Europe, imported from China, and the invention of spectacles in 1290. They uprooted centuries-old institutions such as the monarchy and the feudal system. Fashion, beauty and adornment with celebrity zodiac signs. (3). Depending upon what happens in the years before Pluto changes signs, we may see an uprising and rebellion against the oppression that has taken hold in some parts of the world under Capricorn. It's worth noting that both Pluto and Aquarius have "fixed" attributes. His writing has been published in WellBeing Astrology Guide (Australia) and The Mountain Astrologer. The meaning of life isnt to be found in the latest app or overblown promises about our shiny new future in the stars. The science sounds staggeringly bleak, hard to believe! In 2023, Pluto will first change to Aquarius for about three months, and then return to Capricorn for a little more than seven months. Published in: The Mountain Astrologer, Capricorn Sol 2022/23. The destiny of the twenty-first century will be shaped by the possibility or the collapse of a shareable world. It will then ingress back into Capricorn in June 2023 for a final hurrah of a few months before finally moving into Aquarius on 24th January 2024, where it will remain for another 20 years. "Astrologer Patrick Watson notes that Pluto's last turn in Aquarius (1778-1798) resulted in sweeping changes in social order and public rightsnotably: the ratification of the American constitution, the industrial revolution, the Enlightenment, the publication of the pioneering work Defense of women's rights, followed by some . For example, the simple notion of the king and queen in their castle at the center of the kingdom brings us archetypally into the human world, the civilized world, the world protected from outside threat with thick brick walls. At worst, we could see greater control of the individual and society in a digital dystopia run by algorithms. When the king and queen in their castle, in the center of the kingdom, are unable to conceive a child, the solution comes when the Water of Life a symbol for the renewing potential of the imagination is found outside of the kingdom. The US Constitution was established in 1787, followed by the Bill of Rights in 1789. That would mean no babies. Pluto in Aquarius means the power shifts to the people and society at large, rather than a small group that dominates from the top down. Thank you! However, the deprogramming of 80% of society is going to be the difficult part. See, Melancolia I. Pluto will enter Aquarius in 2023. Uranus's opposition to Pluto in this time coincided with the French Revolution, often pointed to as an example of Enlightenment rationalism run amok. They cannot imagine a different world other than what theyre used to and dont realise the change that has already happened, is the point of no return. Before we get into that, lets explore some of the changes from previous transits of Pluto in Aquarius, some of which also lined up with either Neptune in Aries or Uranus in Gemini. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Pluto was next in Aquarius in 1532 1553 while Neptune was in Aries. This is when we'll get an inkling of the kinds of changes to come (watch the news for Pluto in Aquarius themes). Taken from this issue: I wonder why you describe dark matter as nonsense, though? Pluto will dip its toe into Aquarius in 2023, visiting it from March 23 to June 11 2023. Its associated with the collective shadow and mass movements, the will to power and the underworld, whether geological, political, social or spiritual. It also makes you passive and easy to manipulate hence the attraction to this fantasy in the powers that be., This technocratic worldview isnt going to survive much longer. It is important to realize that the next couple of years will be especially decisive for the future of humanity and the reshaping of society . Perhaps well see a revolution in politics with new parties that represent the people rather than the ruling classes. You summed it all up very well. The 2023-2044 Pluto in Aquarius period will likely fundamentally transform and reform abstract systems of law and measurement on rational, scientific, secular or algorithmic grounds. The Enlightenment saw the emergence of a plethora of new ideas, philosophies, and fresh possibilities for how human beings can thrive in society and live happy lives. We have people born with the most variety of Pluto signs, creating complicated dynamics at the deepest levels of the collective psyche. 5. Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. He believed that differences between human beings were a deep truth found within human nature. 4. . The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1777 to 1797 the establishment of the United States and the French Revolution. The intra-psychic thing is kind of mentioned in the post, although not named as such. The power of celebrity deepened when Pluto moved through Leo. Whatever happens in the coming years, we can be sure therell be no sudden shift into a liberal and progressive paradise of freedom and equality. Iconic in the early days of the revolution was the Storming of the Bastille, the enormous fortress prison built in the 1300s by the French monarchy to hold its enemies. But dont wait around for freedom to fall into your lap. And let the rest of the world move over to where I was. Pluto's transit in Aquarius begins on March 23, 2023, until June 11, 2023, when it returns to Capricorn. Typically, Aquarius is seen as the penultimate sign of the zodiac, just before Pisces and the imminent renewal of the cycle that begins with Aries at the spring equinox. The American Revolution began (officially) on April 19 1775, just before Pluto got into Aquarius. She was also the mother of Mary Shelley, born with Pluto in Aquarius, who went on to write Frankenstein. And these are revolutionary landmarks that still serve as the very foundation of our . When Pluto entered Aquarius in 60 CE, there was a revolt against the occupation led by Boudicca and the Iceni tribe. The Wiki`s This creates distortions, such as the transhumanist fantasy of solving the problem of human nature by turning it into a machine. However, if you see consciousness as primary and physics as an open system, this gives rise to a radically different worldview and society one free from debt and slavery. in 1600 stores worldwide or online by (print or digital) subscription. Woven throughout the culture we see the Old Man, old age, the Father figure, the Senex. Required fields are marked *. They uprooted centuries-old institutions such as the monarchy and the feudal system. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and in 2023, it will transition to Aquarius, where it will be for a two-decade span. Where the Sun represents the center around which solar systems form, Saturn represents a profound limit, an outer edge. When planets move through Aquarius, the focus turns to the edges. As with all air signs, Aquarius can be cooler and less emotional in its expression but, heated up by Plutos intensity, may have more warmth. but also all the chart drawings and thousands of biographies. John Moriarty, Dreamtime, The Lilliput Press, 1994, p. 97. In February 2022, Pluto will complete its first revolution in the chart of the United States of America. I also want to remind everyone that the enlightened representation of Aquarius is the Water Bearer, the one who has journeyed through almost all of the zodiac and been transformed along the way and has gathered much knowledge and hopefully learned much about man and humanity on that journey. (Quote is from Episode 4.) Parallel to the aristocracy were the clergy, also making up 1% of the population. There are too many innovations and discoveries from this time to list, but here are a few: There was enormous growth in corporations and global trade, including the slave trade, although opposition was beginning to build. Unfortunately, it failed and Boudicca was killed. The French Revolution is an event timed with Plutos last tour of Aquarius. . As Wikipedia explains: 'The sans-culottes were the common people of the lower classes in late 18th-century France', and they became the radical, militant end of the French Revolution, angry at their poor quality of life. We can begin to see how profoundly domineering Saturns rule is over our ways of life as a culture. Considering that Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all made their way through Aquarius during the 1990s and early 2000s into 2012, Plutos entrance into Aquarius is like the long third act of a drama that began decades (if not centuries) ago. Aquarius is an intellectual air sign that trades in ideas and innovation. Dr. Desan poses perhaps the most significant question to be asked at such a moment in history, a question most pertinent to Plutos time in Aquarius: How do you wrench the modern out of the old? The center was not as it had been imagined, resulting in a radical paradigm shift launching the Scientific Revolution. Where Leo is a Sun-ruled sign, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. Saturn represents the governmental structures that hold society together. Where must lightening strike (Aquarius rules electricity) in order to accomplish this? In Sierra Leone, a settlement was founded for freed slaves in 1787. 21. The King was executed at the guillotine on January 21, 1793. For more on the Pluto archetype read: Pluto Keywords and Pluto Myths. He seized the assets of the Church in the dissolution of the monasteries in 1536, and this break with Rome triggered endless fisticuffs between Protestants and Catholics. Positive Traits If anyone, it will be Pluto in Aquarius natives who will finally bring forth a revolution against the various systems of oppression. See, Surrounded by Time. One day the owner of a goldfish discovered it was time to clean the fishbowl. They represent the beginning of a new historical stage of and the initial form of a new political culture . The new colonies of the USA amalgamated and broke free from mother Britain, whilst the French monarchy was abolished and the French First Republic was . Robert Fagles, Penguin Books, 2006, Loc. 9. Pluto in Aquarius represents a make-it-or-break-it moment toward that destiny. For example, the number of people I have spoken with that tell me they cant wait for life to get back to normal is astounding.