French toast has much murkier origins, but it can actually be traced all the way back to ancient Roman times! It's normal to include wine in most meals in France, but unlike America, it's less about binge drinking and more about a cultural experience. The U.S. version of Mountain Dew contains brominated vegetable oil (BVO) which is an ingredient BANNED in Europe (3). Why are the Quaker Oats ingredients you list fit the US strawberries & cream instant oats so different to the Quaker website? People in comments, remember these comparisons arent about nationalism bs. I live in Heinzs home town, (Pittsburgh) and the Heinzs were and are Jewish, not Christian. They get their exercise outside with running, swimming, and walking more often than they drive. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. As they went into the New World, they had found new discoveries but their purpose of the journey lead them down paths that would give off two different perspectives. It's not uncommon to find Americans eating a sad lunch at their desk or scarfing down a granola bar in the car. French and American cultures are two of the most influential and widely studied cultures in the world. For many years, schools have taught us that the Indians were small, uncivilized groups that had little effect on the world before Columbus. The US and French elections have a whole host of truly frightening similarities -- and high stakes -- that are worth examining before voters from Normandy to the Pyrenees head to the polls on . Try swapping out your fatty favorites for bettersubstitutes, like adding avocado onto your toast instead of butter. Following our 2015 petition to get BHT out of American cereal(11) Kelloggs removed BHT from several brands (like Rice Krispies), but still use it 4 years later in Frosted Flakes despite selling it BHT-free in the U.K. Ill tell you why. Refers to a troublesome or embarrassing person within a group (of artists, thinkers, and the like). There is no sense of belief that there was any evidence of animosity between Columbus and Cortes people. With support from kings through financial aid and moral guidance, a new peak was reached upon the arrival of Columbus in the Caribbean islands off the mainland of the Americas. This clearly isnt a wise approach is it? Youre doing great!! In a group, all together. Cant travel! In contrast, many American meals usually consist of "finger type" foods, such as pizza, burgers, and french fries, where no utensils are usually needed. If you purchase a product through an affiliate, sponsorship or partnership link, your cost will be the same (or at a discount if a special code is offered) and Food Babe will benefit from the purchase. Pick up a bottle of Mountain Dew in the U.K. and youll find that it gets its bright yellow color simply from beta carotene (a natural color derived from carrots and other plants). That kind of. Buffets and food comas aren't par for the course in France like they are in America. The portion who said there is nothing wrong with MSG, is a victim of food industry propaganda. Nice job Vani! French fries, on the other hand, are chunks of fried potato. America: Americans are super friendly and outgoing. We visited several states and it seems like many of the surrounding cities we been to almost all had a McDonalds and the rest of the restaurants were mostly junk food places. All of the flavor comes from the natural ingredients themselves, whether it be sweet tomatoes in the summertime, tart pears in the winter, or a 20-year old wine at any time of night. Try it for yourself and see if the ways of the French could benefit you. Cookies, brownies, cupcakes and candies were extremely uncommon to give to the kids- and it was always homemade without added sugars, no processed oils, no toxic ingredients, and were organic. What gives, besides the FDA being paid under the table to keep their mouths shut and keep allowing these companies to put all these carcinogens in our food. They are more formal in nature, especially if they are meeting somebody for the first time. Satisfactory Essays . Drinks the Lowest Amount of Alcohol in the Developed World, Figures Reveal, The 9 best indoor cycling bikes for your home gym, Why Fast Food Is Bad for You and Clogs Arteries, Influence of Culture on Nutrition With Kids. Topics: Culture, Europe, France, food, international relations, The nation that brought us the baguette is now counting carbs. Also even organic canola oil is still processed w/ hexane !!!??? Thank you, my dear young lady. Throughout early history, beginning with 1492, exploration was well on its way. And it gets worse. The UK and Europe have their own compromised industries. Yours look made up. The French eat a myriad of chocolate, bread, and even foie gras. chicken with no growth hormones. Photo courtesy of @tallulahalexandra on Instagram. the differences between us and the French run deep. Both versions of Doritos are horrible, but American Doritos are covered in artificial dyes made from petroleum (Red #40, Blue #1, and Yellow #5). They have no school on Wednesday every week. Want to know what really opened up my eyes to how food companies exploit us? Here are their new ingredients: Whole grain oats, sugar, dried strawberries, salt, dried cream, natural flavor, nonfat dry milk, tocopherols (to preserve freshness). Average train speed here is 65 mph! Similarities Between Columbus And Cortes. We here for a good time, not a long time. Come on, we all know homemade chicken soup is way better than the canned version, right? This is similar to the Hispanic food culture because these foods are usually also predominantly carbohydrates. The U.S. takes the opposite approach. You are right. While I was there, I lost a lot of weight, had more energy, and generally felt better. Due to unexpected discoveries and evidence that say otherwise, many scholars now question and argue about their time in the Americas before Columbus. The world gets better if we attack the corruptions closest at hand. While Heinz makes a Simply Heinz version of ketchup in the U.S. (still with natural flavors but a cleaner ingredient list), why dont they just make this their regular ketchup? Reply. According to The New York Times, Americans have been known to rush through meals in front of a television, computer, or phone screen, while the French still value sitting around the table with loved ones. The Truth About PB2 & Powdered Peanut Butter, The Worst Ingredient In Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino & Why You Shouldnt Drink It. Where I live in the US, the same size box of pasta is over $1. Heinz ketchup is GMO-free in the U.K.(5) but full of GMOs and High Fructose Corn Syrup in the U.S., along with lab-produced natural flavoring that helps create an addiction to their product (6). Unreal! Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Americans may consume more alcohol per day than the French, but it's done in a different way. Great Job Vani keep on going to keep us informed. When Columbus left the island he left forty of his men and those men raped and fought the Tainos after they helped them out.2 On his second trip Columbus set up a permanent colony and again his men raped, stole gold ornaments and food that provoked war with the Tainos. I dont know about you, but I wouldnt mind spending most of my day eating like this! It seems irresponsible to post something like this without doing a lot of research into why the ingredient lists might not be identical. No wonder people in England are much skinnier and healthier than Americans. See all of the UK type options ARE available in the US. And their food is sooooo good, tasty and healthy. For each of those added ingredients, some chemical or ag-chemical company is making a lot of money that they would not be making if the ingredient was not there. About 70 percent of the foods that make up the diet of the average American are processed, prepackaged items, including frozen entrees, snacks like chips or crackers, ready-made baked goods, lunch meats, processed cheeses and other dairy products and fast food. Its eye opening. Great article. Kiss on the cheek is fairly common if that individual is particularly close. is actually a lighter meal of bread and some kind of spread like butter, honey, or jam. This, along with other unrecognizable chemicals and additives absolutely disgusting. There is a simpler explanation as to why US foods contain so many unnecessary, and usually harmful, (notably sugars and junk sugars like HFCS). But they still have not removed BVO from Mountain Dew, nearly 5 years later. The main difference is the addition of the preservative BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) in the U.S. version. The stories you care about, delivered daily. We learn that they were more culturally advanced and had more of an influence on our world that what is thought. Such as a frozen pizza in the oven, mini pizza rolls in the microwave, those telly (TV) dinners or egg sandwiches in the microwave, a box of mac and cheese, a can/jar of tomato sauce for pasta, cookies in a bag/package/box, giant bags of chips/crisps, juices in big plastic bottles in shops, frozen cakes/pies, or sweets like cupcakes, muffins, brownies in the shops, etc. I miss all the petitions that you used to do that inspired big changes. This usually means skipping a few meals and over-eating at the next best chance. Then theresen-cas, which is a mid-morning snack, following by the largest meal of the day, djeuner (lunch). just remember that you are what you eat. In Traditions and Encounters, Cortess role as captain of Spanish expeditions was detailed. The amount of emphasis on freshness in French cuisine cannot be undermined. The French don't eliminate any food groups altogether and instead live by the everything in moderation rule. Thats becausemost see dining as a social activity, not just a race to shove everything into your mouth all at once. They start with a vegetable, such as a leafy lettuce salad, a cucumber tomato salad or beets. Both have breaks after a long time in the school year. Most of those same products had no or very jucious amounts of sweeteners in them fifty years ago. Food and pharma happen to be incredibly corrupt in the US. Eugne Delacroixs Marianne represents the "true French woman: accessorized, political, passionate and topless," writes Debra Ollivier. Should you end up in Paris, look for soup a loignon on menus (simply onion soup). In Australia, my soy milk was $1.19 AUD. When the Europeans arrived at this new-found . Not totally true about Europeans not being overweight! One ingredient, easy peasy. She has served as a book columnist since 2008 and is a member of the National Book Critics Circle. She worked under then-popular chefs including Jeremiah Tower and opened her luxe French dining experience Atelier Crenn in 2011, eventually earning three Michelin stars(via Michelin). Foods rich in unsaturated fats, Omega-3 fatty acids, and more are a regular staple in the French diet. THANK YOU! Analysis of previous literature on the role of food in life in France and the United States suggests some fundamental differences in attitudes which may generalize outside of the food domain. Many health experts swear that eating your largest meal of the day during lunchtime, as opposed to dinner, helps in a number of health areasincluding weight control, digestion, decreasing levels of stress, and increasing levels of work or school productivity. I am a born US Citizen and I love this country, but every time I hear someone say this is the greatest country on earth I want to laugh. Execution Clise sees a fundamental difference between U.S. and French decision-making: Americans tend to focus on execution, whereas the French are more likely to emphasize the deliberative process, she says. Also, Cortes had led their leader hostage and demanded for jewels. American/US version: Corn syrup, sugar, gelatin, dextrose, citric acid, starch, artificial and natural flavors, fractionated coconut oil, carnauba wax, beeswax coating, artificial colors: yellow 5, red 40, blue 1. In the narratives, Letter of Discovery by Christopher Columbus and Castaways by Alvar Nez Cabeza de Vaca, they exemplified the overall environment of the New World. As I understand it, part of the reason that Heinz did so well was that it was in tune with the pure food movement of the last quarter of the 19th century and he helped pass the Pure Food and Drug Act 1906. While trying to adapt Native Americans to European customs, Columbus and his followers took advantage of the Indians. Helen Buxton/ Shutterstock A trip to the market in France might include fresh vegetables like mushrooms, leeks, eggplant, and a variety of cheeses like Brie and Roquefort. The difference in produce consumption is the same for adults: A study published in the research journal Appetite in 2015 found that both French adults and children eat more fruits and vegetables. Snacks Thank you for fighting this fight. Many Americans, including myself, have struggled to set a regular schedule for mealtimes. This is what set me down the path of advocating for change in the food system and Ive never looked back. I was wondering what is the difference in the prices for the US vs UK products you mentioned in your article. Europe takes a precautionary principle approach towards food additives that are potentially risky. Oh, childhood. I dont see any mention of the fact that the rules around labeling vary: France and America share a long-lived and unique connection. They had no way of protecting themselves. I will only buy fresh food. , is actually a light serving of fruit. Check the healthy or organic section of the store. What French Women Know: About Love, Sex and Other Matters of the Heart and Mind. The students go for a while then have specific holidays off. Compared to the antics of the French Revolution, the infamous Tea Party in Boston was like the sisters at the convent sneaking into the dorm of the rival convent and shorting their sheets. By contrast, The Week reports that only 14 percent of French adults are obese. The French are notorious for their butter-clad, flour-filled meals, but they seldom feel the adverse side effect of a high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet like we do in the United States. Because eating is such a social activity, time is needed to chill and dine, and we think its a pretty good idea. Americans may consume more alcohol per day than the French, but it's done in a different way. France, a . In the U.S., you can often purchase a loaf of French bread, but this is a far cry from the crusty baguettes that the French are so proud of. Only 16% of Japanese people eat out once a week or more. no longer supports Internet Explorer 9 or earlier. Despite the fact that they are not, in fact, French, fries are still very popular today in France, where they are called pommes frites. French and American food policies or the political and policy processes in France and the U.S. with respect to food policy.4 Though clearly there are significant cultural differences between the two countries that affect people's attitudes toward food, the policy landscapes But I still DO EAT a lot of junk. Amen! You cant really blame us Americans, its the big corporate food manufacturers that change the ingredients according to the country. French and American culture might have much in common, but some notable similarities define each country, with one being food. That could stem from how many French people have their own vegetable gardens, go to the market every morning, and eat meals that are so colorful, you could probably hang it on a wall (although its not advised to do so). The US is in bed with the Petrochemical industry. No trains like Europe and uk! It is better, I have to admit, but not near to natural as what all our food should be. Chef Dominique Crenn is inarguably one of the foremost experts on French cuisine. She mentions how French parents always say, You dont have to eat it all, just taste it. And voila, their children have become some of the most ethically diverse eaters in the world. Read all the labels. Unlike the French, we Americans have a keen sense of the immediacy of the future and the brevity of pleasure, with a dollop of guilt and a Puritan undertow in the mix. I didnt change my diet all that much. Cortes letter to Charles V seem to have displayed on what Cortes was going to do as they made their voyage. Look what happened to Kraft Mac & Cheese! To some Ive met apparently eating Chinese is going to a Chinese buffet or having a processed supposedly Chinese/Asian style frozen dinner (in a box by Nestle) or for Mexican night a box of frozen tacos or taquitos, etc. Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Her Campus Media LLC. In both the U.S. and France, stale bread is typically soaked in a mixture of eggs, milk, sugar and, sometimes, cinnamon and vanilla before being fried and served as brunch fare. Instead it's all about. When I used to visit the US with my mum and aunty I seen a good portion of people with either fizzy drinks/sodas, crisps/chips, candies, ice creams, those Starbucks cold coffee in the largest size, junk food from places such as McDonalds, Taco Bell, Burger King, Wendys, etc. At first glance the ingredients in Frosted Flakes in the U.S. and U.K. look nearly identical. Are the French losing their je ne sais quoi? They certainly are not as safe as beta carotene. In Conclusion: My Rule In the 16th century Spaniards Herman Cortes and Christopher Columbus set out on endeavoring journeys in search of new worlds. Not sure how to incorporate such a strict limitation into your diet? I am so happy common sence is is coming back! It is a shame that I was forced back into a country where I literally feel sick because of the food that is on offer. In Your Holy Name Jesus! Herman Cortes however encountered a much more advanced Native American group in Meso America; we formally know this area to be Mexico. They both had the ultimate idea of having a republican government in which the natural rights of man, equality, and justice were strongly . Both revolutionary groups sought change through the ideas of enlightenment, and were influenced by The Glorious Revolution. A college buddy of mine decided to go live in London for a few years. MSG is classed as an excitotoxin. The Wall Street Journal: Do French Kids Eat Better Than American Kids? During these times of exploration, traveling nations encountered the Natives among the lands where they would then determine their future through alliances and conflicts. Capitalists make money by making and selling stuff, not by _not_ making and selling stuff. Many in the US I also noticed instead of making an actual, true home cooked meal- its always something in a package or box. The U.S. government allows food companies to largely police itself, deciding which ingredients, chemicals, and additives are safe to use in their products (12). Posts may contain affiliate, sponsorship and/or partnership links for products Food Babe has approved and researched herself. Meals there are free of distractions like TV, driving, or working on your laptop. Ifa company can get away with using cheaper ingredients, they will. The Average Calorie Intake by a Human Per Day Versus the Recommendation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Adult Obesity Facts, The Week: Why the French Are (Finally) Getting Fat, Frontiers in Psychology: Broad Themes of Difference Between French and Americans in Attitudes to Food and Other Life Domains: Personal Versus Communal Values, Quantity Versus Quality, and Comforts Versus Joys. Processed food like these produced in the U.S. are so stripped of their naturally-occurring nutrients from the beginning, that these companies add their vitamins and minerals back in usually towards the end; however these are made in a lab and not natural. American schools serve lunches that consist of highly processed foods, loaded with sodium, calories, saturated fat, preservatives, etc. French people, on the other hand, make a priority out of cooking most of their meals at home using predominantly local ingredients. I spent years investigating the differences between European and American food products, and what I found disgusted me. Been there 20 years now, husband 57 and her eat all the worst food there and are now very overweight. Columbus believed that his people were preparing well on becoming Christians, even though these people had no religion. You may be disappointed to learn that French fries were not, in fact, invented in France. Im 67 years old and have never felt better. Eating meals is also considered a full time activity, and is not something you do while scrolling through Facebook or finishing a last-minute homework assignment. French and American culture might have much in common, but some notable similarities define each country, with one being food. By adding your email you agree to get updates about Spoon University Healthier. Christopher Columbus encountered, in the Caribbean islands, a group of extremely simplistic Native Americans. encore "again". . Thats why they dont use artificial dyes in Doritos overseas and instead color Doritos more simply with paprika extract and annatto. I cant wait to return to Australia. Hernan Cortes had a different view of the indigenous people he made his voyage with. I just returned from spending several years living in Australia. If we read countless books about the French and flock to France, it's often in the hope of shedding that cultural baggage and living out the sensual attributes evoked in that proverbial Je ne sais quoi. But short of a revolution in this country (and whos got time for that?) Instead of moving to another country, you should probably just look for change in the food systems here.