The question now facing U.N. officials comes just over a month after the Taliban . In the case of Libya, the Assembly accepted the credentials of the opposition National Transitional Council in 2011, even though it was not in effective control. ], Eleventh Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly (Resumed: 11th Plenary meeting), Continuation of statements after adoption, Informal meeting of the plenary to hear an interim oral update on the situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic, Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items [item 7]; Sport for development and peace: building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal [item 12]: draft resolution (A/76/L.48) (item 7 to reopen item 12), Action on the draft resolution, Ad Hoc Working Group on the Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly, Thematic debate on the role and authority of the General Assembly, 1. The Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on Strengthening the Role of the Organization today failed to approve its annual draft report as a whole, approving instead one section of the text to forward to the General Assembly, as members concluded their 2023 session without consensus on several elements. Agenda information A/76/251 3b Report of the Credentials Committee. GA/12436. Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields [item 15], and Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit [item 119]: Draft resolution (A/76/L.58), [A letter from the President of the General Assembly, dated 3 June 2022, was sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. In July, the generals executed four political opponents, reviving the death penalty, which had not been used since the late 1980s, and prompting outrage in many parts of the world. 1. ], Explanations of vote after the vote (continued), 1. However, if a delegation's legitimacy is contested, its credentials may be challenged by another Member State. The U.N. committee considers the credentials of all 193-members and submits a report for General Assembly approval before the end of the year. Oath of Office by the President-elect of the seventy-seventh session of the General Assembly, in accordance with Assembly resolution 70/305, 5. The UN is not requiring vaccination for participants. ], 1. It consists of nine members, who are appointed by the General Assembly on the proposal of the . Briefing by Paulina Kubiak, Spokesperson for the President of the 76th Session of the General Assembly. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (76TH SESS. The agenda of the 76th session is contained inA/76/251and the allocation of items for the session is contained inA/76/252.The annotated preliminary list of items to be included in the provisional agenda of the 76th session has been issued as documentA/76/100. It has announced the formation of the Peoples Defence Force to defend the population against military violence and as a prelude to establishing a Federal Union Army.. The NUG has also said it will appear before the International Court of Justice on behalf of Myanmar regarding charges of genocide committed against the Rohingya in 2017, a move which Phongsathorn says shows the partys commitment to international law and its willingness to participate in the international community. ], Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated21 January 2022,24 January 2022, 8 February 2022, 18 February 2022 and 17 March 2022 were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Moreover, a vote for the NUG would send a powerful signal to the people of Myanmar that UN member states have not forgotten their plight and stand with them. The annotated draft agenda of the 76th session has been issued as document A/76/100/Add.1. of Member States and to report to the General Assembly thereon The UN Security Council, where Russia is one of five countries with the power of veto, has been unable to agree on a global arms embargo for Myanmar, and Russia remains a major supplier of arms to the embattled generals. There should be consistency of representation based on the decision of the UN General Assembly, which should be the NUG as that would be in line with the will of the people.. (b) Election of 18 members of the Economic and Social Council, (a) Report of the Secretary-General (A/75/798) The military is currently acting for Myanmar at the ICJ, a reflection of the confusion. ], Implementation of the resolutions of the United Nations [item 121]; Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly [item 122]: joint debate. Some of the speakers listed for the 7th plenary meeting will therefore be heard at the 9th plenary meeting. Delegations may wish to inform their capitals accordingly. October 02, 2021 - Updated 12:07 pm IST Sustainable development [item 20]: draft decision (A/76/L.53), [A letter from the President of the General Assembly, dated 29 April 2022 was sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Legal experts say that is too little for the generals to be considered the representative of the Myanmar people. The meeting with Min Aung Hlaing and other senior generals was designed to convey the serious concerns of the United Nations and propose concrete steps needed to immediately reduce the conflict and the suffering of the people, she said. 1. Prime Minister, Republic of Vanuatu (pre-recorded), His Excellency Philip Edward Davis, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Commonwealth of the Bahamas, His Excellency Pohiva Tu'i'onetoa, Civil war is looming. Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee, 4. Informal meeting (closed) of the plenary on the intergovernmental negotiations on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Council. Election of members of the Economic and Social Council [item 115 (b)]: by-election (A/76/573), 2. This will be interactive in nature and will not have a prepared list of speakers. General Assembly (76th sess. Prevention of armed conflict [item 35 (a)]: Note by the Secretary-General (A/76/690), Informal briefing by the G20 Co-Sherpa of the Republic of Indonesia, Friday, 1 April 2022 The Taliban, the country's new rulers for a matter of weeks, are challenging the credentials of their country's former U.N. ambassador and want to speak at the General Assembly's high-level meeting of world leaders this week, the international body says. Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance [items 75 (a) to (c)]: (a) Reports of the Secretary-General (A/76/74, A/76/78, A/76/320, A/76/334 and A/76/376), (b) Draft resolutions (A/76/L.23, A/76/L.24, A/76/L.25, A/76/L.26 and A/76/L.27), Debate on the item as a whole and action on the draft resolutions, 1. The scope and application of the principle of universal jurisdiction: report of the Sixth Committee (A/76/477) [item 86], 9. ], 2. Development cooperation with middle-income countries [item 22 (c)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/534/Add.3), 27. ], 2. Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items [item 7]; Rights of indigenous peoples [item 71]: draft decision (A/76/L.51) (item 7 to reopen and reallocate item 71), 2. The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution in June 2021 calling for a stop to the flow of weapons to Myanmar, for its military to respect the November 2020 election results and for the release of political detainees, including State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi. First Committee . Programme planning: report of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) (A/76/426) [item 139], 1. ], Afternoon: Continuation of the plenary segment, Panel discussion with the representatives of the United Nations system, Panel discussion with the participation of relevant stakeholders, including the private sector, young people, academia and civil society representatives, 2nd thematic cluster on the theme Accelerating the SDGs through sustainable financing and building trust, [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 23 December 2021, 3 February 2022 and 11 February 2022, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly [item 122]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/542), 42. 4:30 p.m. - General Assembly Hall, (*immediately following the adjournment of the informal meeting of the plenary to hear a briefing on the G20 Summit), 2. A former member of the UN Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar, Sidoti also told Al Jazeera that the credentials uncertainty was hampering a peaceful resolution to the crisis. At the 76th General Assembly session next week, Myanmar will be a hot topic, as the Credentials Committee, made up of nine countries, must recommend an entity to take the country's U.N. seat. Sweden is the chair of the committee. Photo: UN Staff prepare UN HQ in New York ahead of the 76th . ], Thematic dialogue on investment in road safety (resolution 75/308), [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 27 September 2021, 6 October 2021, 11 October 2021, 29 November 2021 and 2 December 2021, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Where pre-recorded statements are used, the 15-minute time limit will include remarks in the General Assembly Hall to introduce the pre-recorded message and the message itself. Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin [item 10]: (a) Report of the Secretary-General (A/76/321) Note by the Secretary-General (A/76/309) Heads of states and governments from 193 Member States will exchange statements in-person and via pre-recorded messages, played in the General Assembly . Election of a member of the International Court of Justice [item 115 (c)]: (a) Memorandum by the Secretary-General(A/76/337) Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields [item 15]: draft resolution (A/76/L.12), Informal meeting of the plenary to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations Volunteers Programme and the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers, [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 27 September 2021, 11 October 2021, 18 November 2021 and 22 November 2021, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (76TH SESS. Informal consultations on the establishment of the United Nations Youth Office. Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items [item 7]; Operational activities for development [item 25]: draft decision (A/76/L.73) (item 7 to reopen and reallocate item 25: Operational activities of development), [A letter from the President of the General Assembly, dated 18 July 2022, was sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. The 77th session of the UN General Assembly First Committee on Disarmament and International Security is scheduled to meet from 3 October-4 November 2022 in New York. Pursuant to resolution 75/320, the general debate will be held from15:00 to 18:00 (7th plenary meeting) and from 19:00 to 21:00 (9th plenary meeting) in order to accommodate the closing plenary meeting of the high-level meeting of the General Assembly to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action from 18:00 to 19:00 (8th plenary meeting). The UN as an institution could be doing a hell of a lot more and the Secretary-General needs to show a lot more leadership on Myanmar., Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights, agreed not to speak at the high-level talks, supplier of arms to the embattled generals. Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives [item 74 (c)]: report of the Third Committee (A/76/462/Add.3), 13. Strengthening of the United Nations system [item 124]: draft resolution (A/76/L.52), Strengthening of the United Nations system [item 124]: draft resolution (A/76/L.52), High-Level Meeting on Peacebuilding Financing, High-level meeting of the General Assembly to assess progress on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda (resolution 75/224), [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated21 October 2021, and 23 March 2022 were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace: report of the First Committee (A/76/437) [item 93], 3. Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items [item 7]: General and complete disarmament: problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus [item 100 (u)]: draft decision (A/76/L.65) (item 7 to reopen and reallocate item 100 (u): General and complete disarmament: problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus), 3. (d) Draft resolutions (A/76/L.18 and A/76/L.20), Continuation of the debate on the item as a whole, 1. For observers like Fortify Rights Patrick Phongsathorn, the visit was another sign of the UNs failure on Myanmar. ], 2. 4. having the same composition as that of the Credentials Committee ], Informal informal consultations on the Progress Declaration of the International Migration Review Forum(closed). "The Committee deferred its decision on the credentials pertaining to the representatives of Myanmar and on the credentials pertaining to the representatives of Afghanistan to the seventy-sixth session of the General Assembly," she said. Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance [item 72]: Report of the Third Committee (A/76/460, draft resolution II) General and complete disarmament: report of the First Committee (A/76/444) [item 100], 10. Review and implementation of the Concluding Document of the Twelfth Special Session of the General Assembly: report of the First Committee (A/76/445) [item 101], 11. Review of the implementation of the recommendations and decisions adopted by the General Assembly at its tenth special session: report of the First Committee (A/76/446) [item 102], 12. (c) Report on the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group of the Whole on the Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socioeconomic Aspects: Letter from the Co-Chairs (A/76/391) Promotion of international cooperation to combat illicit financial flows and strengthen good practices on assets return to foster sustainable development [item 18 (f)]: report of the Second Committee (A/76/531/Add.6), 9. 1. It would also be consistent with the resolution adopted overwhelmingly by the General Assembly in June, condemning the coup and calling on the Myanmar military to respect the peoples will.. The National Unity Government and the ethnic resistance organisations control more than half the country directly or indirectly and they have a great deal of influence over another 25 percent of the country, said Chris Sidoti from SAC-M. So whether you look at legal legitimacy or de-facto control the National Unity Government has by far the best claim to be recognised as the government of Myanmar and to be the Myanmar partner for other states. Delegations may wish to inform their capitals accordingly. Arabic;Chinese;English;French;Russian;Spanish, 5th plenary meeting: High-level meeting of the General Assembly to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, Comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action [item 72 (b)]: High-level meeting of the General Assembly to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (resolutions 75/237 and 75/320), [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 3 September 2021 (opening plenary and round tables), 10 September 2021 (round tables), 17 September 2021 (concept note) and 21 September 2021 (final programme and concept note), were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. The portal also includes links to other related valuable multimedia assets (audio, photos, etc. Report of the Peacebuilding Commission [item 32] (A/76/678); Peacebuilding and sustaining peace [66]: Report of the Secretary-General (A/76/668 and A/76/668/Corr.1); Report of the Secretary-General on the Peacebuilding Fund [item 113] (A/76/687), 3. 2 for the general debate (21 to 25 and 27 September 2021) was sent by e-mail directly to the permanent missions on 10 September 2021., High-level plenary meeting to commemorate and promote the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons (resolutions 72/251 and 75/45), [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 20 August 2021 and 27 September 2021 (final list of speakers), were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Heyzer, who says she has held extensive and regular consultations with Myanmars key stakeholders focusing on the NLD, NUG and ethnic armed groups since her appointment, declined an interview request from Al Jazeera but in a written statement clarified the nature of her visit. (b) Notes by the Secretary-General Harmony with Nature [item 20 (i)]: draft resolution (A/76/L.35), 5. Delegations wishing to inscribe on the list of speakers for the meeting on 16 March 2022 are invited to contact the General Assembly Affairs Branch (e-mail, [A letter from the President of the General Assembly, dated 14 February 2022, was sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Shahid was responding to a question on whether he is in contact with the members of the Credentials Committee on the issue of representation of Myanmar and Afghanistan at the UN. Strengthening of the United Nations system [item 124]: draft resolutions (A/76/L.85) and (A/76/L.87), [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated 1 September 2022 and 7 September 2022 were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers.]. ], 3:30 p.m. Multi-stakeholder spotlight: Private sector, 3:45 p.m. Plenary segment (continued) (list of speakers), 6:45 p.m. Multi-stakeholder spotlight: Mobilizing whole-of-society responses, 7:00 p.m. Plenary segment (continued) (list of speakers), Report of the International Court of Justice [item 76] (A/76/4); Report of the Secretary-General (A/76/196) and Note by the Secretariat (A/76/431) - debate, 1. Rule 25 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly also defines a delegation of a Member State as, "consist[ing] of up to five representatives, five alternate representatives, and as many advisers and experts as required. Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items [item 7]; Appointment of members of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions [item 117 (a)]: Report of the Fifth Committee (A/76/516/Add.1) (item 7 to reopen item 117 (a)), 3. : 2021-2022)--AGENDA, A/76/251 141 Pattern of conferences. Credentials of representatives to the eleventh emergency special session of the General Assembly, (a) Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee, 5. ], Strengthening of the United Nations system [item 124], [Letters from the President of the General Assembly, dated11 July 2022 and 18 July 2022, were sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. The NUG represents the Myanmar people. ], 1. John Angelillo/Pool via REUTERS, India, US on same page on many issues relating to Afghanistan: External Affairs Minister Jaishankar. Opening of the session by the President of the General Assembly, 2. ], (a) Report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (A/76/35) Its Credentials Committee will debate whether to accept the credentials of the junta which seized power on 1 February, or those of the National Unity Government (NUG), made up of elected representatives whose parties won a landslide victory in elections last November. Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee. Question of Palestine [item 39]: draft resolution Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union [item 128]: Report of the Secretary- General (A/76/780); Draft resolution (A/76/L.63). Initially, Afghanistans Permanent Representative, appointed by the ousted Ashraf Ghani-government, Ghulam Isaczai, was listed to speak for the country on the final day of the General Debate on September 27. Following the February 1 coup in Myanmar, its military rulers have said the countrys Ambassador at UN Kyaw Moe Tun has been dismissed and they want Aung Thurein to replace him. Fixing it requires bold leadership, brave choices, and sustained . The Mahrra Vidhna Sabh or the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly is the lower house of the legislature of the Indian state of Maharashtra.It is situated in the Nariman Point area of South Mumbai in the capital Mumbai.Presently, 288 members of the Legislative Assembly are directly elected from the single-seat constituencies., ChinHumanRightsOrg (@ChinHumanRights) August 23, 2022. (Rule 28 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly). The problem with the status quo at the UN is that there is divided and incomplete recognition within the UN, Tyler Giannini, a professor at Harvard Law School, told Al Jazeera. ], The responsibility to protect and the prevention of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity [item 134]: Report of the Secretary-Genera (A/76/844), Informal consultations on the establishment of the United Nations Youth Office (to be held remotely without physical presence), [A letter from the President of the General Assembly, dated 22 June 2022, was sent to all permanent representatives and permanent observers. Rights of peoples to self-determination [item 73]: report of the Third Committee (A/76/461), 9.
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