Then you have to find out if your neighbors have any rights to the existing structure. You could also call an inspector out and ask if they recommend a repair or replacement. Don't use this disagreement to vent months or years of anger at your neighbor. This post contains affiliate links from Amazon and other stores. The dispute went to court and the eager gardener, who lost, was forced to pay substantial legal costs. This case shows the importance of checking your legal position before you remove any boundary . You can bring the matter up to your local municipality as fence laws are local ordinances. We dont have a weed issue. If yourown fence has seen better days, find out more about our. tree trunks are growing on a boundary and are destroying the boundary fence; . Whenever there is a fence that is in all respects such as a good husbandman ought to keep on the line of any land, and the person owning or holding a lease for one or more years of the land adjoining thereto makes or has an enclosure on the opposite side of such fence, so that such fence answers the purpose of enclosing the latters field, meadow, lot or other enclosure, the latter shall pay the owner of such fence already erected, one-half of the value of so much thereof as serves as a partition fence, such value to be determined by the parties. link to What Kind Of Paint For Garage Walls. In deciding the amount of damages, the court must consider: However in calculating damages, the depreciation which the old fence had suffered due to age and use can be deducted. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If the property is rented or council-owned enquire with them if your neighbour has removed or . If your neighbor is willing, ask them to sign an agreement that establishes new property lines. Here are some of our favorite easy to install fences that wont cost you a pretty penny: 1. And what can you do if they violate your property lines? - I am willing to sell the encroached land to you for a price agreed by an external surveyor. The tree's owner has a legal responsibility to make sure it doesn't damage a neighbour's property, garden, drive or boundary fence. Such person is considered a tortfeasor. Your neighbor is not legally allowed to remove a fence that is between your properties if they dont own the fence. A boundary fence is a fence that lies directly on a property line, to provide privacy for two neighbors. Please let us know how you heard about us, Administrative Law, Public Sector and Procurements, Private Client Services: Inheritance, Wills and Trusts, Trust, Inheritance and Succession Disputes, Property line disputes: letter templates to resolve issues. When I bought my house I asked the neighbours behind if I could take out the old hedge (useless) and put up a fence, at my Down the decades, since 1937, the front divide between my semi and my neighbours has been wire fencing and then various forms of 2008-2023 MyBuilder Limited [ii] Trust v. Allamakee County Bd. Glad it is all agreed and everything will be put in writing. My neighbour has planning permission for an extension. Of course, if the tree is not yours, please let me know, and I will contact the council. The Fences Amendment Act provides that an owner must generally give notice to an adjoining owner before undertaking fencing works, unless the owners have already agreed outside of the Fences Act. There would now be two fences along the boundary. It is possible that your neighbor thought the fence was theirs and therefore believed they had the right to remove it. Worked at a fence company for 10+ years. Your Get free, zero-commitment quotes from pro contractors near you. I would be grateful if you would look into this as a matter of urgency. If you remove your neighbors fence, you may be fined if your neighbor pursues legal action, but, anything more than that, such as jail time, is highly unlikely. And some state laws may differ between counties. Fences are not transitory, as personal estate. But remember that you usually cant put up fencing within eight inches of the road, sidewalk, or property line. Boundary fences are owned by both owners when both use the fence. As you are aware, we havedisagreed regarding [insert a brief description of your dispute here]. If, however, you are the fence owner, then nobody aside from yourself has the right to do anything whatsoever to your fence without your permission. Find out more. Attach your survey or plat map highlighting the disputed area. Privacy notice Maybe call the building department and ask them to look for a permit for a fence? [iii] Stoner v. Hunsicker, 47 Pa. 514, 515 (Pa. 1864). Our neighbour's fence has been erected about 30cms INSIDE his boundary line, leaving old fence posts, sawn off on our side.. fencing and boundary accuracy - original boundary was straight whereas now it no longer is. But you might be struggling to figure out what kind of paint to use on garage walls. The destruction of a fence during the trial gives rise to a presumption against the party who destroyed the fence. We don't as a general policy investigate the solvency of companies mentioned (how likely they are to go bust), but there is a risk any company can struggle and it's rarely made public until it's too late (see the. Neighbors must take you to court to dispute the fence placement. This handbook is designed to inform property owners of their rights and responsibilities in terms of their duty to fence. If you want to find out where the common boundary between your property and your neighbour's property is and there is no fencing issue involved, you can hire a registered surveyor to . A common occurrence in our area, given the frequent lack of survey monuments, is a neighbor's inadvertent building over your property line, whether it be a driveway, a fence, a deck or even a portion of a house. Until the contrary is shown, the partition fence is presumed to be the common property of both owners. A common dispute among neighbors is who owns, as well as who is responsible for maintaining the fence between their properties. If your neighbor has removed your boundary fence, by now you should understand how you can go about resolving this dispute. You can't make changes to your side without their permission, such as painting it. Let the county Assessor or Recorder know about the new deal. So, here are the five steps to take if someone tampers with your property: Organize your evidence and let the law decide. the reasonable value of the fence as an enclosure at the time of its removal. If the fence is on your side of the property line, then the fence is yours. However, an individual cannot remove or destroy a fence on another individuals land without his/her consent. London Member since 20 Apr 2011 However, those rules might differ for rental estates, public areas, or government buildings. There would now be two fences along the boundary. Please note that Reddit automoderates posts by new accounts. If the prospect of watching the old fence rot away over the next few years doesnt appeal, you might offer to help your neighbour with the cost and / or the repair or installation of a new one. They also have the right to remove the fence when they please. to order the adjacent owner to remove a fence which prevents him from using a road which provides access to the property. The fence law is a local law instated by municipalities that states if a fence is on a property line, then both owners are responsible for the fence, including maintenance, unless otherwise stated in a written agreement. Neighbors can make the choice to put up a boundary fence if they both want to provide privacy to each other but there is no law that states you have to have a boundary fence. Your property is on a corner and has more than one frontage. Is it technically on the edge of your property and, therefore, belongs entirely to you? The Line Fences Act provides a dispute resolution procedure between the owners of adjoining properties in most of Ontario. You are allowed to sell a property engaged in an ongoing boundary dispute but you should be aware that it may affect your property value and you may have to disclose the dispute to potential buyers. Yes, you can remove the neighbor's fence that's on your property, but it's not the best idea. The punishment for removing your neighbors fence will vary between municipalities but you will most likely get fined by local authorities. As the title suggests, this is a public and legal declaration that your neighbor has no legal claim to the area your neighbor's fence . Money could be an issue, or perhaps your neighbour doesnt have the skills to repair the fence or install a new one. Or try to legally change the property lines if you cant settle the dispute. A final option is toerect a new fence on your own land at your own expense, alongside your neighbours old one. Fence erected inside boundary line. "neighbour has screwed new fence posts to my garage on the boundary". Our website uses cookies. In State v. Roberts, the court observed that persons unlawfully and willfully, burning; destroying; pulling down; injuring; or removing any fence, wall, or other enclosure shall be guilty of a misdemeanor[viii]. Branches from trees can often grow across property lines. First and foremost, you need to know if your neighbor is allowed to remove your boundary fence. Your neighbor may be entitled to move your fence if it encroaches on their property. This is a complicated legal matter that we will try to make more straightforward for you. As I left for work this morning, he handed me a builders business card and said his builder is starting work today, and will be taking down the fence. When you bought your house, you received the property deed that states exactly where your property boundaries lie- to show what you purchased. Some compromise may be worth the cost of maintaining neighbourhood harmony, and at least youll be able to enjoy a tidy garden once more. best to check with council planning department. In this case, the boundary fence belongs to both of you. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Your neighbors can remove fencing if it impedes their yard. Can a Neighbour remove a boundary fence? So, they can't remove boundary fencing even if they don't like its location. So, do your research before erecting a new one. The fence is your beighbour's as he purchased and erected it. What is important is that there is a log, in writing, of your discussions on the matter, both written and verbal. If the structure is on your side of the line, it belongs to you. If the fence is directly on your property line and you have both been maintaining the fence and the area around it, then your neighbor cannot remove the boundary fence. There is no party wall agreement between us and they did not ask for permission. If you do not wish to remove your [fence/hedge/other encroachment] there is the possibility of my selling or "lending" you this strip of land on the understanding that you acknowledge my ownership of the land. Depending on neighbors. These templates can be used to invite a neighbour to meet regarding your property line dispute. In Washington state, the law addresses in detail the rights and responsibilities . Yard Blogger provides practical tips and friendly expert advice on everything relating to your home and yard. What happens when one of those neighbors decides they want to remove a boundary fence though? You might also enjoy our post on Can My Neighbor Move My Fence? But remember that fence posts should remain on your side of the property line. . Your neighbor is not legally allowed to remove your boundary fence. Property boundaries. By writing to your neighbour you can clearly set out your issues and explain why you are not in agreement, this can be difficult to achieve in face-to-face meetings as discussionscan get heated. There are some exceptions if the works are urgent or the adjoining owner cannot be located. Ct. App. Each county has different laws regarding property lines and boundary fences. If, however, you are the fence owner, then nobody aside from yourself has the right to do anything whatsoever to your fence without your permission. They must follow the appropriate channels to get you to take it down. Basically our neighbour informed us they were replacing the boundary fence between our properties assuming it was theirs as it runs to the left of their property. If you want to have privacy, you will have to put up a fence on your side of the property. Your neighbour's fence will undoubtedly fall into further disrepair but at least you won't have to look at it any more. A question which may be important depending where you live .. you said it lies between the properties but that you're the one maintaining it and the neighbor wants you to pay for the replacement? Yard Blogger is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If yourown fence has seen better days, find out more about our fence repair services. While this may give you some satisfaction in the short term, its unlikely to give you much long-term comfort. So what can you do? Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Before you get the police involved, you should be a good neighbor and approach them with an open mind and let them know your concerns. Let us explain. When it comes to laws on boundary fences, they vary from city to city and each state has different views on the laws. The laws on boundary fences will vary between municipalities since they are enforced by local ordinances. Two types of fences tend not to be allowed by most cities: barbed wire and electrified fences. In civil actions, the burden is upon the plaintiff, to prove the removal or damages. The owner of the fence has the final say over any creepers or climbers growing on a boundary fence or wall. Are you able to meet up on [provide two possible days/times] to try and find a way forward? In a prosecution for removing, destroying, or injuring a fence, the burden rests upon the state to prove the offense. If you're in an argument with a neighbor over a property issue, follow these steps: 1. If you want to create a boundary between you and your neighbor, then you will have to erect the fence yourself. Cookies You can talk to your neighbor first and let them know that their fence is actually encroaching on your property and you would like them to remove it. You have the legal right to remove the fence that is encroaching on your property but it is not necessarily recommended since it may result in some negative consequences. And you have to check local records to determine the owner in those cases. Editor, Marcus Herbert. Oregon law has specific provisions for such and while we dont debate that the fence needs maintenance, we do contest that it needs to be replaced in full. However, if neither of you built the fence, then your neighbor is not allowed to just take it down. Your property deeds will usually be marked to show the boundaries for which the owner of a property is responsible, often labelled with a T-mark. Dividing fences are a common cause of disputes between neighbours. Stop fussing with the neighbors over the boundary fence. I am keen to resolve this issue amicably and as quickly as possible. For example, in California, the fence law states that if a neighbor wants to put up a fence, the fence must remain on their side of the property line. Then, give them time to make repairs. In a suit for damages for removal of fences, courts grant injunctions: Some statutes award criminal penalties on individuals who unlawfully fence the land of another. you disabled cookies on this website - some functions will not operate as intended. jobs, Generally to protect yourself from future . Yes. They will update the public records as soon as possible. Instead, you should avoid the drama and put up a new fence yourself on your side of the property. If I were you I'd just say 'OK, it's on the list' every time it's brought up and continue doing what I was going to do. Until then, people cant tear up your property just because they dont like it. So now comes the tricky part of figuring out if the boundary fence is indeed a boundary fence or if it actually belongs to you or your neighbor. It is however sometimes possible for the original owners of land to lose their ownership due to another party's adverse possession of it. The neighbours said it was dangerous, and their two and four year olds could potentially scale 1.4m tin fence. Answer. That means barriers that block entrances or hide street signs are illegal. Forcing a Neighbor to Remove an Ugly Fence . In general, to the extent that a portion of your fence encroaches onto the neighbor's property, the neighbor can remove it or can take you to court to show that it encroaches and get the court to order or allow its removal. If they cannot agree, the party aggrieved and entitled to compensation for constructing or repairing the partition fence shall be entitled to recover from the other in a civil action the value of one-half of such fence or half of the value of repairing it before any court having competent jurisdiction in the name of and for the use of the owner or lessee of such fence, together with disbursements and costs of action. I checked our documents and the positive covenant to maintain the fence was included in the Title Deeds transfer for the previous owner. The location of a fence determines the jurisdiction of the court to determine the dispute. . This means Yard Blogger may earn a commission if you make a purchase using any of our links. I doubt this would qualify as a partition fence but I could be wrong. Knowing the rules and regulations for fences on boundary lines can help keep the peace. Your rights are to use your property up to but not over the boundary line. They have taken down the boundary fence, and have come over by a couple of inches so the fence can now not be put back where it was. A private individual cannot claim damages from the authorities for removal of encroached fence. They can confront you to negotiate or consult law enforcement instead.
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