A pay cut in real terms. In terms of the result, we understand that the costs of living crisis is having a major impact and we are looking for the employers to recognise this. Published 28 February 2022. At the Autumn Statement on 17 November 2022, the Chancellor announced an historic increase in funding for social care, making available an additional 2.8 billion in 2023-24 and 4.7 billion in 2024-25. The other union in the negotiations, Unite, do not conclude their ballot until 21st February. Please note the following and the need for employers to work with union reps locally: As restrictions have been lifted across England, we need to ensure all updated risk assessments are in place. Prices are skyrocketing, with inflation about to hit 10%. We have to stop them cutting sick pay. Our members in schools are perhaps the best example: while it was often said that schools were closed during the lockdowns it was school support staff who went into schools to provide education for vulnerable children and the children of key workers, while infection rates were extremely high and before there was any protection from a vaccine. Fry Building "For the lowest paid (currently earning 20,441 per annum), the offer equates to an increase of 9.42. The NJC payscales, which are local government payscales resulting from negotiations between the employer and trade union sides of the National Joint Council, have been agreed for the 2021/22 year. Following the pay offer which falls short of our pay claim we need a much stronger message to government, so we have written to the employers calling specifically for them to join us and call for more funding for local government pay. 130 Euston Road GMBs priority is to make sure your workplace is safe so please do get in touch if you are worried about lack of safety measures at work - publicservices@gmb.org.uk, 2. IN GMB ALL MEMBERS HAVE A SAY ON THEIR PAY SO MAKE SURE DETAILS ARE UP TO DATE, GMB 2020, all rights reserved Please note in this NJC circular we have focused on the need for all risk assessments to be updated as restrictions are lifted in England today. To promote our Local Government Survey, we've produced these posters for your local workplacenoticeboards: This has been a difficult year for workers across local government. The National Employers share councils frustration that the unions actions mean that, six months after the full and final offer was made, employees are unlikely to receive the monies due to them before the increase to national insurance contributions comes into effect in April, she said. Notes to editors THANKYOU FOR VOTING. This will increase to 200m for the following two years, including 20m in each year to enable authorities to respond to our joint priority of decarbonisation. Pay offer details The key details of the improved offer are: An increase of 2000 for those earning up to 20,500 An increase of 1925 for those earning between 20,500 to 39,000 A 5% increase for those earning between 39,000 to 60,000 Terms and Conditions | Built by 89up, Latest bulletin for local government workers: NJC 2022 PAY OFFER, ministerial.correspondence@levellingup.gov.uk. It was barely above inflation a year ago. The joint union NJC Pay Claim for 2022 has now been submitted to employers for their consideration. We put all Local Government, Councils, Schools and Academies Pay updates covered by the NJC on the GMB website, so please visit www.gmb.org.uk to find out the latest. Best wishes, Over 100,000 plus GMB members across Local Authorities, Councils, Schools and Academies in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland were included, so it going to take some time to collate all the results and determine next steps. Rt Hon Simon Clarke MP of the United States and its territories and possessions as listed in 5 CFR 591.205 not located within another locality pay area.) Help build the union in your workplace: You can find resources to help you at the. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic our Local Government, School and Council workers have continued to work tirelessly to keep the country going, working above and beyond the call of duty, putting themselves and their families at risk to support the effort against Covid-19. Furthermore, the 1.75% increase offered to youth and community workers covering the period from September 2021 to August 2022 has not yet been accepted by Jim Kennedy, national officer for the local authorities sector at Unite, on behalf of youth and community workers. Under the NJC constitution, if two unions accepted, the deal could have been signed off and paid before April to ensure you get all the money. You are true Covid heroes, keeping the nations essential public services going during the toughest of times, often putting your own health and safety at risk. The NJC pay survey closed in November 2020. Three local government unions have today (Monday) submitted a pay claim for 2021/22, which they say begin s to redress a decade of cuts and recognise s the key role played in the pandemic by school and council staff. This pay offer does not apply to council chief executives, senior officers, teachers or firefighters, who are covered by separate national pay arrangements. (Separate advice is in place for Wales and Northern Ireland). www.gmb.org.uk. In addition, your National Local Government and Schools Committees will meet in the New Year to discuss what steps we take in this pay campaign. It is applicable to rates of pay from 1 April 2021 onwards and the LGA has encouraged employers "to implement this pay award as swiftly as possible." Unison's head of local government Mike Short said the focus would now be on achieving a more substantial pay rise for 2022-23. Local Government employers have only tabled a 1.75% pay offer. Local councils play an essential role in the fabric of our country - providing services which we all rely on and supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. But the commission has. For workers aged under 23, Commissioners recommended. With the increasing prices and the cost of living rising to an all-time high, this failure is hitting hard. 3. The employers also propose that the NJC begins immediate exploratory discussions on three other elements of your claim, as follows: There was no support from councils for the offer to include three other elements of your claim, therefore the employers reject the following. In the recent GMB 2022/23 pay consultation, 67% of members voted to accept the pay offer. 76% of members balloted in consultation over the local government employers' pay offer voted to accept it. This means all members will now get a vote to decide on whether to take strike action to stop these pay cuts. The public deserve better too. If the majority of GMB members vote YES, a formal ballot for industrial action will take place. The majority of employees - those on salaries starting at 18,198 per annum - would receive an uplift of 1.75 per. The more people who join GMB, the stronger we can make your work better, Organise a workplace meeting or email us and we will organise one at publicservices@gmb.org.uk. My sincere thanks for taking the trouble to make me aware of these concerns. If approved, the proposed raises, coupled with those provided during the past few fiscal years, mean that the average county employee will have received a 29.1% pay raise since April 2021. Health Minister Martin Foley says he will donate his approximately $8500 pay rise to local charities, after Victoria's public sector union demanded the state government grant government workers the same 2.5 per cent pay rise politicians will receive from next week. 2021 Government, Councils & Schools Pay offer is as follows: The employers have also agreed to joint discussions on the following: GMB expressed dismay at the opening offer of 1.5% tabled by your employers earlier this year. 1. This means all members will now get a vote to decide on whether to take strike action to stop these pay cuts. We expect a formal response is coming soon so we are gearing up to ensure that all GMB members have a say on their pay. NW1 2HD. Pay is ultimately a decision for local councils. Those discussions have now started for pay in 2021/22. The policy delivers an above-inflation headline pay increase of one per cent to all those earning between 25,000 and 80,000 and, to reduce the overall income gap, a capped increase of 800 for those earning above 80,000. However, the Government would expect councils to take into account wider public sector pay awards and overall affordability when negotiating the pay settlement. We know how disappointed members will be of this disregard particularly at a time when our members are working so hard fighting this pandemic. Workers across Local Authorities, Schools and Academies deserve better. In the last GMB update we advised you that we have approached Local Government employers across England, Wales and Northern Ireland setting out our disappointment on the pay offer and asked it to be improved. As the NJC pay points are widely used in the voluntary and community sector in . In 2021, federal employees received a 1.0% across-the-board increase and no adjustment to locality pay. We are grateful for all of their important work and focus over a difficult year. Terms and conditions I welcome the recommendations relating to teachers' terms and conditions. Payments will be slightly affected by the national insurance rise. Employers need to support employees to take steps to look after their wellbeing during their period of working from home. maintaining regular contact with their manager and colleagues, avoiding being always on by ensuring that they identify non-working time, contacting the employee assistance programme if they need support, for example, in relation to heightened feelings of anxiety, being aware of the things that can cause them poor wellbeing and the activities and resources that can help to address this, Completion of the outstanding work of the joint Term-Time Only review group. Senior GMB reps from across Local Government, Councils and Schools met today (5/10/21) to discuss the GMB members rejection and have overwhelmingly agreed to trigger an Industrial Action consultative ballot. Your local GMB branch/office will be contacting you shortly to discuss how you can vote in this consultative ballot and how you can get active in your pay campaign to stop these pay cuts. Pay forecasts for 2021 However, many workers will see their pay leap by 8.7% next month as they will fall within the new age threshold from 1 April. The three main trade unions - Unison, Unite and GMB . Also, keep any eye on the following link where regular updates will be posted GMB Workplace Noticeboards. . Council employees have been offered an improved pay increase which will add 328m to the local government pay bill. The employer has since considered this and increased it by 0.25% to 1.75%. 67% of GMB members voted in favour of the employers pay offer. Your letter has been passed to HM Treasury. GMB asked National Joint Council (NJC) national employers across Local Government, Councils and Schools to join with the trade unions and make a joint approach to the Westminster Government, for more funding for Local Government pay. Council employees set to lose part of pay rise | Local Government Chronicle (LGC) EMAP Publishing Limited Company number 7880758 (England & Wales) Registered address: 10th Floor, Southern House, Wellesley Grove, Croydon, CR0 1XG We use cookies to personalize and improve your experience on our site. To discuss pay and to build support for the pay rise. On 27 July, a revised offer was made, of 2.75% to those on the lowest pay grade and 1.75% to everyone else. If you and your colleagues want a GMB campaign in your workplace to improve your terms and conditions, pleasecontactyour local GMB Representative. An agreement on a best practice national programme of mental health support for all local authorities and school staff. Council employees have been offered a pay increase of 1.50% from 1 April 2021. The increase is 1.75% on all pay points applicable from 01 April 2021. The real problem is the impact of the rise in the long term. In GMB, all members have their say on pay. The NJC payscales, which are local government payscales resulting from negotiations between the employer and trade union sides of the National Joint Council, have been agreed for the 2020/21 year. Find out more about the unions' 130 year history, GMB membership offers plenty of extrabenefits, GMB's structures, rules and all things Congress. We have continued to press for further talks and an improved pay offer. The response from the employers side was to refuse to do this having already stated that it was the final offer. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU VOTE GMB IS CAMPAIGNING FOR A HUGE TURNOUT TO DEMONSTRATE TO YOUR EMPLOYERS WE WONT ACCEPT FURTHER PAY CUTS. The more people who join GMB, the stronger we can make your work better. Regional Directors14. A national minimum agreement onhomeworkingpolicies for all councils. An increase in the Scottish Local Government Living Wage (SLGLW) rate to 9.78 per hour. The National Employers, who negotiate pay on behalf of local authorities, made the offer to unions today. GMB really appreciates your incredible efforts and we wish you and your families a safe festive period. Update your details every GMB member will get their vote make sure your details are up to date. The vital contribution of our members comes on the back of 10 years of austerity during which the value of many employees pay has dropped by 20% in real terms. For many, that meant doing their normal jobs in more risky situations for example social workers visiting homes and refuse collectors working in small cabs. GMB Mary Turner House A School? It agrees an annual uplift to the national pay spine, on which each individual council decides where to place its employees. For too long the people who are at the heart of our communities have been failed by their employers. Further to recent updates GMB is now able to announce that the 2021 1.75% pay award has finally been agreed by Unison as well as GMB meaning that it can now be paid to you. The government has offered civil servants a 1.5% salary increase plus a cash payment in wage negotiations with trade unions, Public Service and Administration Minister Senzo Mchunu said on Monday.. I would like to express my sincere apologies for the delay in response to both your letter and the letter sent from the National Employers. GMBs consultative ballot on the NJC Pay Offer for 2022/23 has now closed. Naomi Cooke, Employers Secretary, wrote to council chief executives last month warning of the unhelpful delay in finalising the 2021 pay round due to the unions protracted timetables for consultations and ballots. 1 Horse Guards Road, We know that you have worked providing essential services throughout the pandemic and that you have more than demonstrated your worth in keeping this country going. A 23 or 24-year-old paid the current full national minimum wage rate of 8.20 an hour will need to be paid at least the NLW rate of 8.91 an hour. However, it is understood most councils have been unable to get the pay award processed before next month's payday, when it will be subject to the new headline 1.25% national insurance rise. The 2022/23 Local Government & Schools Pay offer is for one year and is as follows: With effect from 1 April 2022, an increase of 1,925 on all NJC pay points 1 and above (FTE). A joint review of the provisions in the Green Book for maternity / paternity / shared parental / adoption leave. GMB is campaigning for pay rises to be properly funded. 1. 12 January 2021. The National Joint Council (NJC) for local government services has agreed the new rate of pay (an increase of 1.75%) applicable from 1 April 2021. A pay ballot on the offer will start soon. Become a workplace organiser - step up to be your work colleagues voice in your workplace! I wish to put on record again my gratitude to public sector workers in Scotland for their response to the pandemic and . Councils benefit from Holyrood windfall. GMB is determined to do something about that. This represents an increase of 59 pence or 6.6 per cent. Secretary of State Department for Levelling Up, Please ensure your details are up to date as only GMB members will geta vote in our ballot. The National Living Wage will increase by 2.2 per cent from 8.72 to 8.91, and will be extended to 23 and 24 year olds for the first time. Local employers will be contacted immediately and advised to implement the pay offer. Information and resources to support bargaining and campaigns, Access hundreds of different learning opportunities as part of your GMB membership, See the latest training, guides, and resources for GMB reps, See all the latest information and guidance from your union, Find out more and get involved inon our campaignto make schools safe, Fighting for Amazon workers across the country, The campaign for apay rise for local government and school workers. At last week's meeting, Cafcass board members said the organisation had offered a lower pay rise than local government . Its a scandal that people doing some of the most important jobs in our society are dealing with this cost-of-living crisis whilst living with chronically low pay. The National Joint Council negotiates the pay, terms and conditions of staff in local authorities. The employers have made an offer of 1.5% for 2021 and have said that it cannot offer more because local authority finances are severely stretched. The increase is 2.75% on all pay points applicable from 01 April 2020. Having delivered our ballot in January, it has been frustrating waiting for news from the other unions knowing that any payment made after March will be subject to higher National Insurance costs as a result of the increase due on 1stApril. We represent over 500,000 working people. National Secretary, A 1.75% pay rise for local government employees, backdated from 1 April 2021, was agreed at the end of last month, and at the time the Local Government Association encouraged employers to implement it as swiftly as possible. Working across communities and delivering some of the most important public services should be properly remunerated and instead years of underfunding, pay freezes and pay cuts has resulted in one third of Local Government workers being paid the National Living Wage. Further details of pay scales will be issued shortly. The government is trying to contain its wage bill, which accounts for around a . SW1P 4DF, Sent by email: ministerial.correspondence@levellingup.gov.uk. 22 Stephenson Way London 2021 General Schedule (GS) Locality Pay Tables. Now that many protections have been removed, we know that our members once again will be on the frontline, providing vital services to the public whilst putting themselves at risk. This equates to 10.50% for SCP1 and no less than 4.04% for SCP43. Click here to email your councillors. Message a friend on Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp, 2. Some Democrats and federal employee unions have urged lawmakers to adopt a more generous . Therefore, to meet the pay element of the claim in full (12.7 per cent) would increase local government's national paybill by more than 2.1bn. Meanwhile, some councils in London and the East of England are bracing themselves for strike action for a week this month by workers represented by Unite, which told LGC the names of the places where strikes would take place had not yet been finalised.
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