Option 1 requires residential development to reduce carbon emissions from regulated energy use by 100%. A NNB new facility would be expected to comprise very substantial development including nuclear reactors, cooling infrastructure, interim spent fuel, radioactive waste stores, other associated buildings plus grid connections, and additional construction land. The majority of policies cannot be effectively drafted until further consultation, evidence and studies have been carried out. Our priority is that this best start in life is available for all children although we recognise that we need to offer bespoke support for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. It is fundamental that we all share in the benefits South Gloucestershire has to offer, which is why evidence of a growing inequality gap* is such a concern and why giving people the means to turn this around is central to our priorities. They said: "The M5 in South Gloucestershire is closed northbound between J18A (M49) & J17 (Cribbs Causeway) and southbound between J17 & J18 due to a collision whereby a tipper truck has collided . Renewable heat refers to the generation of heat from renewable sources including solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, former mine workings and biomass. Evidence will be expected to demonstrate how alternatives have informed the development of proposals including for any on site options, as well as the siting and design of and mitigation for additional construction areas and associated development and infrastructure; and, Expect evidence to be provided to demonstrate that brownfield land and/or redundant facilities have been used where possible; and, How alternatives have informed the development of proposals including for any on site options, as well as the siting and design of and mitigation for additional construction areas and associated development and infrastructure; and, Seek to ensure that consideration is given to the full range of the proposed projects environmental, transport and socio economic impacts: positive and negative, tangible and intangible, and the level and duration of those impacts over time; and, Demonstration as to how these assessments have informed the development and delivery of the hierarchy of impact avoidance, mitigation and compensation proposals; and. You can access the document and information produced to support the Phase 2 document below. Local economic and community benefits should be maximised through agreement and early implementation of social, education, training, economic, environmental and transport strategies. Through the South Gloucestershire Local Plan, we can guide and set requirements for new development to ensure that climate change mitigation and adaptation is addressed wherever possible. There are approximately 6,000 children living in poverty in South Gloucestershire, and many more are vulnerable on account of learning difficulties, disability or circumstances influenced by their race or gender. This policy is also supported by the emerging Urban Lifestyles approach, which aims to make efficient use of land in urban areas, by optimising development. Emissions are produced at all phases of the development process, including embodied carbon in the materials used, the construction process, and the operational phase. Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Issues and Approaches, Local Plan 2020 Opportunity for new planning policies, Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Planning policies, Local Plan 2020 Phase 2 Planning policies, Local Plan 2020 Proposed Strategic Policies, Working Policy Title: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Working Policy Title: Energy Management in New Development, Working Policy Title: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy System, Working Policy Title: Creating well-designed places, Working Policy Title: Parking Requirements, including Electric Vehicles, Working Policy Title: Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) and Related Development, Working Policy Title: Oldbury A Station- Decommissioning. This should include consideration of the cumulative effects on impacts that are individually found not to be significant, so for example a series of biodiversity impacts that are found to be individually not significant, when considered together may cumulatively be found to be significant (Hinkley C Connections Project Examining Authority Report to the Secretary of State (pdf)). Current Environment Agency (EA) guidance (Decommissioning of nuclear sites and release from regulation July 2018) includes for the potential disposal of some Low or Very Low Level Waste (LLW and VLLW) on site, instead of transporting off site for disposal elsewhere. These are published on our website and well provide regular updates to track our progress against those commitments, ensuring that we are transparent and accountable. The masterplan will provide a clear and consistent framework, to ensure that each application can be considered in the context of delivering on the overarching proposals for the Oldbury site. Local Plan 2020: Data and Access Profiles (DAPs) Data and Access Profiles (DAPs) To support production of our new Local Plan 2020 and provide evidence for adopted policies (CS8 and. This will come forward in later stages of the plan. 4. Select the one which you are looking for and the map will automatically zoom and centre on this location. determination of discharge of requirements and/or planning conditions, and the Councils role as enforcement authority. Legibility, or the understanding of a place, can be created by sequences of natural or built landmark features, and by ensuring that views through a site terminate at landmarks, such as a mature tree or interesting new faade. There are many strands to the inequality challenge and we must work with partners in health and education, with voluntary and community groups and directly with local people to first identify those at greatest need and to then put in place timely and appropriate support, ensuring that mechanisms, guidance and pathways to further education, employment and career progression etc. Through our Community Engagement Forums and our Local Strategic Partnership, we work closely with the Police to identify the local priorities and actions for maintaining community safety. d) Any parking provided is well-designed, conveniently sited, safe, overlooked, well-landscaped and sensitively integrated into the public realm or built form, so that it does not dominate the street scene. The South Gloucestershire policies map is an interactive map that displays the policies of the development plan. The contribution is calculated at 95 per tonne of carbon per year for 30 years. Core Strategy Policy CS37 Nuclear Related Development (partial)Policies Sites and Places Plan policy PSP46: Oldbury New Nuclear Build (NNB). Consequently, Option 2, policy which requires residential development to reduce carbon emissions from regulated and unregulated energy use by 100%, is also presented. 6) Resources and lifespanThe conservation of natural resources, including land, water, energy and materials in buildings and development, will form part of the strategy to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change, helping to provide well-designed places over the longer-term. Pre-application engagement on these complex projects can require significant levels of officer input over many months or years for more complex projects. We will continue to equip our staff with the tools and skills to do their jobs to the best of their abilities, harnessing the potential of new technology and holding on to improved ways of working to deliver even better value for money for residents and businesses. Our approach will be backed by appropriate data-gathering and evidence as we seek to develop a long-term financial strategy aligned with these Council Plan priorities. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? For the purposes of this Policy, and in recognition of the potential of NNB to have wide ranging effects, the Council considers the following are neighbouring or relevant local authorities : Bristol, Bath & North East Somerset, North Somerset, Wiltshire, Somerset, Sedgemoor, Mendip, Stroud, Gloucestershire, Cotswold, Forest of Dean, Monmouthshire, Gloucester City, Taunton Deane and West Somerset. And in identifying and supporting those most in need and helping people to help themselves, we hope to raise living standards for the most disadvantaged. Reference should also be made to saved Core Strategy Policy CS4 Renewable or Low Carbon District Heat Networks. To this end, we are updating our evidence base through preparing a Renewable Energy Resource Assessment Study (RERAS), and through doing so we will identify suitable areas for renewable and low carbon energy generation and related infrastructure. Theme: Flood & Flood Risk Management(incl. We have started exploring how we might approach new strategies and policies for growth (set out in section 5: Building a Strategy) but we are very much at the beginning of this process. Junction 12 (Gloucester fringe) and M5 Junction 14 (located within South Gloucestershire). This is because in non-residential development proposals it is difficult to assess the unregulated energy use as the end-user can vary widely and is not necessarily known. These however should be submitted on a Call for Sites form and include a clear map, along with any supporting information. Proposals that address the greenhouse gas emissions arising from the development itself and also contribute to mitigating wider greenhouse gas emissions (i.e. Unlike for example domestic waste streams, radioactive waste from a nuclear power station is not generated by that local community, it is generated by that national infrastructure facility and any on site disposal would again be hosted by that local community on behalf of the nation. This Council Plan is ambitious, particularly given the pressure that has been placed on budgets, the uncertainty in the economy, and the very real impacts for those who have found themselves unemployed or facing six months away from education. These plans will continue to evolve to ensure they remain relevant in a time when change and uncertainty has become a constant. Key Services and Facilities and appropriate walking & cycling distances to them will be defined in a proposed new policy Sustainable Travel & Access, which will be brought forward in future stages of the Local Plan. Geographical Coverage : Whole of South Gloucestershire. Coastal change), Flood zone 3 across the Levels EA requirements for levels of protection for NNB Potential for development to increase risk elsewhere Existing flood risk in local settlements, To address flood risk problems at Oldbury on Severn and the Levels Contribute to delivery of the Shoreline Management Plan, Theme: Transport, including for example: construction materials, equipment, abnormal indivisible loads and workers, Unsuitability of much of the local road network for the volumes and scale of NNB vehicles The safety, amenity and access needs of local communities Congestion and capacity issues on the Strategic Road network, including motorway junctions The environmental sensitivity of the locality Emergency access requirements in times of flood, Utilise non-road transport solutions including sea and rail The use of temporary transport infrastructure Capturing worker movements where they will result in least impact on the road network Maximising use of public transport, cycling and walking Separation, control and enforcement of necessary NNB road traffic and parking from the local road network Addressing congestion on the strategic road network increase capacity at local motorway junctions Contribute to delivery of JLTP, through legacy transport links and Park and Ride/ Park and Share facilities, For operational reasons construction workers may need to be accommodated on site Location of NNB site in Flood Zone 3 (see above) Significant proportion of workers may seek functional low-cost accommodation Potential commuting zone up to 90 minutes Pressure on local private rented sector Limited tourist accommodation in South Glos. Ensuring local communities are not unbalanced or overwhelmed, Workforce surveys during construction could enable mitigation adjustments if needed Contributing legacy in terms of:o Serviced sites or housing in line with the Local Plan and Housing Market Assessmento Amenity or recreational facilities for community use, Theme: Environment (archaeology & historic environment, landscape & visual, ecology), Large scale NNB construction in environmentally sensitive Severn Levels and Estuary International, national and local biodiversity and heritage designations and assets A currently tranquil landscape with dark skies Requirement for Habitats Regulations Assessment Delivery of Biodiversity Net Gain Historic Levels landscape with high archaeological potential Extensive PRoW network including the Severn Way Even with rigorous approaches to impact avoidance / mitigation, significant residual impacts are likely Advance archaeological, biodiversity and visual assessments to inform site selection and planning, Maximise the use of brown field land at the existing power station to minimise both use of green fields and visual impact Advance landscape and biodiversity works to minimise NNB construction impacts Off-site compensatory habitat creation and planting to contribute to biodiversity networks and mitigate visual impact Phasing to restore land and habitat as soon as it is no longer needed for construction purposes, Although nuclear power generation is low carbon, construction methods vary in sustainability Need to ensure climate change resilience (see also Flooding theme above) Adjacent nuclear decommissioning and NNB sites. Our new Council Plan 2020 sets out how we will build on and deliver this vision, highlighting: This is your Council Plan. Different standards for different parts of the district? Both positive and negative effects are therefore addressed in the table of themes and issues, set out in the supporting text. Design measures can help to reduce the need for heating and cooling, as well as power. Given the importance of decommissioning, it is recognised that priority should be given to uses that facilitate the decommissioning of the existing station. Emerging priority: Pursue a carbon neutral and resilient future in a changing climate, Emerging priority: Protect and enhance our environment &Development that promotes health andwellbeing, Existing adopted policies: CS2Green infrastructure, Emerging priority: Protect and enhance our environment & Creating exceptional places and spaces, Existing adopted policies: CS9Managing the environment and heritage, Emerging priority: Creating exceptional places and spaces, Existing adopted policies: CS1High quality design, PSP1Local Distinctiveness, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas, Existing adopted policies: CS5Location of development (inc.GreenBelt), Emerging priority: Provide the right type and number of new homes, Existing adopted policies: CS15Distribution of housing, Existing adopted policies: CS21Gypsy and Traveller accommodation, CS22Travellingshowpeople, Emerging priority: Enable a productive, clean and inclusive economy, Existing adopted policies: CS11Distribution of economic development land, Existing adopted policies: CS14Town centres and retail, PSP31Town Centre Uses, Existing adopted policies: CS10Minerals, PSP23Mineral Working and Restoration,PSP24Mineral Safeguarding Areas, Existing adopted policies: CS36Proposals for major infrastructure projects, Emerging priority: Achieving sustainable travel and transport, Existing adopted policies: CS7Strategic transport infrastructure, PSP13Safeguarding Strategic Transport Schemes and Infrastructure, PSP14Safeguarding Rail Schemes and Infrastructure, PSP15Park and Ride/Share, Emerging priority: Providing the right supporting infrastructure, Existing adopted policies: CS6Infrastructure and developer contributions, Emerging priority: Pursue a carbon neutral and resilient future in a changing climate, Existing adopted policies: CS3 Renewable and low carbon energy generation CS4 Renewable or low carbon district heat networks, Emerging priority: Protect and enhance our environment, Existing adopted policies: PSP2 Landscape, Existing adopted policies: PSP3 Trees and Woodland, Existing adopted policies: PSP18 Statutory Wildlife Sites: European Sites and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) PSP19 Wider Biodiversity, Existing adopted policies: PSP20 Flood Risk, Surface Water and Watercourse Management, Existing adopted policies: PSP21 Environmental Pollution and Impacts, Existing adopted policies: PSP22 Unstable Land, Emerging priority: Protect and enhance our environment & Development that promotes health and well-being, Existing adopted policies: CS24 Green Infrastructure, sport and recreation standards, PSP44 Open Space, Sport and Recreation, Existing adopted policies: PSP4 Designated Local Green Spaces, Existing adopted policies: PSP5 Undesignated Open Spaces within Urban Areas and Settlements, Emerging priority: Development that promotes health and well-being, Existing adopted policies: PSP9 Health Impact Assessments, Emerging priority: Development that promotes health and well-being & Enable a productive, clean and inclusive economy, Existing adopted policies: PSP35 Food and Drink Uses (including drive through takeaway facilities), Emerging priority: Creating exceptional places and spaces & Protect and enhance our environment, Existing adopted policies: PSP17 Heritage Assets and the Historic Environment, Emerging priority: Creating exceptional places and spaces & Development that promotes health and well-being, Existing adopted policies: PSP37 Internal Space and Accessibility Standards for Affordable Dwellings, Emerging priority: Creating exceptional places and spaces, Existing adopted policies: PSP8 Residential Amenity, Existing adopted policies: PSP38 Development within Existing Residential Curtilages, including Extensions and New Dwellings, Existing adopted policies: PSP43 Private Amenity Space Standards, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas & Protect and enhance our environment, Existing adopted policies: PSP7 Development in the Green Belt, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas, Existing adopted policies: CS16 Housing density, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas & Creating exceptional places and spaces, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas & Provide the right type and number of new homes, Existing adopted policies: PSP40 Residential Development in the Countryside, Existing adopted policies: CS19 Rural housing exception sites, Existing adopted policies: PSP41 Rural Workers Dwellings, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas & Enable a productive, clean and inclusive economy, Existing adopted policies: PSP28 Rural Economy, Existing adopted policies: PSP29 Agricultural Development, Existing adopted policies: PSP30 Horse Related Development, Emerging priority: Provide the right type and number of new homes, Existing adopted policies: CS17 Housing diversity, Existing adopted policies: CS18 Affordable housing, Existing adopted policies: CS20 Extra care housing, Existing adopted policies: PSP42 Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding, Existing adopted policies: PSP39 Residential Conversions, Sub Divisions and Houses in Multiple Occupation, Emerging priority: Enable a productive, clean and inclusive economy, Existing adopted policies: CS12 Safeguarded areas for economic development CS13 Non-safeguarded economic development sites PSP26 Enterprise Areas, Existing adopted policies: PSP27 B8 Storage and Distribution Uses, Existing adopted policies: PSP32 Local Centres, Parades and Facilities PSP33 Shopping Frontages, Existing adopted policies: PSP34 Public Houses, Existing adopted policies: CS37 Nuclear related development PSP46 Oldbury New Nuclear Build (NNB), Existing adopted policies: PSP25 Hydrocarbon Extraction (inc. Fracking), Emerging priority: Achieving sustainable travel and transport & Pursue a carbon neutral and resilient future in a changing climate, Existing adopted policies: CS8 Improving accessibility PSP11 Transport Impact Management, Existing adopted policies: PSP10 Active Travel Routes, Existing adopted policies: PSP11 Transport Impact Management, Existing adopted policies: PSP16 Parking Standards, Existing adopted policies: PSP12 Motorway Service Areas and Roadside Facilities, Emerging priority: Providing the right supporting infrastructure, Existing adopted policies: CS23 Community infrastructure and cultural activity, Existing adopted policies: PSP36 Telecommunications Infrastructure, Existing adopted policies: PSP45 Crematoria, CS25 Communities of the North Fringe of Bristol Urban Area CS26 Cribbs / Patchway new neighbourhood CS27 East of Harry Stoke new neighbourhood, Draft policy not yet available.
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